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Visual FoxPro
Classes - VCX
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Okay, given the responses that I've gotten so far and the experimentation that I've done on my own, it really looks like VFP was designed around the idea that classes - visual or non-visual will be in VCX files.

If I put each class in a separate .PRG file I need to use a sequence of SET PROCEDURE TO ... ADDITIVE commands to use them within my apps and they won't show up in the class browser at all - at least not that I've seen.

However, if I put them all in a VCX file I get the benefit of them showing in the class browser and being able to add them all with one SET CLASSLIB TO... command. While I would prefer having everything in code, it looks like I basically have to fight VFP to do it. So I'm leaning toward the VCX files for ease of use - even though my classes are not visual.

So I have another question...
Two things that I really like about VB are constants and enumerations. I like being able to scope my constants as public or local. VFP doesn't provide that exactly, though with #DEFINE...#UNDEFINE you can approximate that behavior. Enumerations appear to be out of the question as well.

Is there a way in a visual class to use #DEFINE to create a constant that is available to any method in the class? For that matter, can you create a non-public variable that is available to any method in the class? It doesn't appear that it's possible from what I've tried so far. A constant declared in the Init event does not appear to be available to a user-defined method. And variables only seem to be available if created as PUBLICs.

With the .PRG approach, I can create constants at the beginning of a class definition and #UNDEFINE them afterwards and have, in effect, a class level constant. I don't think I can do the same with variables as any variables declared at the class level become properties.

Any thoughts?
John Groft
Computer Task Group, Inc.

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