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Saddam's Support of Terrorism
13/03/2003 12:02:52
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>>>Somewhat dwarfed by the amount of money the US pumps into Israel. Supporting a government which has ignored numerous UN resolutions over 36 years, has secretly developed weapons of mass destruction, & acts in contravention of many international laws against the Palestinians. In addition they have started making moves against the bedouin arabs in the Naglev desert, essentially forcing them to give up prime land or face having their living areas bulldozed.
>>Are you saying that Israel is a terrorist organization? What specific resulutions are you talking about? Regarding the secretly developed weapons of mass destruction Israel has developed... can you point to the specific U.N. Resolution forbidding that?
>specific resolutions : SCR 237, 242, 252, 446, 452, 462 + others, most recently 1402
>the WMDs were developed in defiance of other international treaties, not UN resolutions
>the actions Israel takes are essentially terrorist actions - eg indiscriminate destroying of homes of family member related to terrorist suspects (also contravenes several international laws)
>>>I suppose it could also be mentioned that the US is trying to buy Turkish support by giving several billion dollars to a government that is actively suppressing it's own Kurdish population, one of the groups of people that the US is using as a pretext for defending in Iraq.
>>How exactly are they suppressing the Kurds? Are you saying that the Turkish government is a terrorist organization?
>Use Google : "Turkey Kurds Suppressing"
>it's not hard to find these things out.
>>>As it was mentioned in another thread, it is only since Sept 11th that the US has made funding of the IRA illegal. It doesn't take to much investigating to unearth the US's support of terrorism in the past & I have no doubt that your government will continue to support terrorism where it suits it's own ends - they might try to call it something different (funding freedom fighters, maybe) - but at the end of the day, it's all the same. (The UK government will be just as bad, I don't want you to think I'm singling out the US)
>>What U.S. support of terrorism are you talking about?
>Just do a search on "School of the Americas" (SOA) and/or "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation" (WHISC), I'm sure you'll find something.
>In addition, I could mention training of Al-Qaida, but they were freedom fighters for Afghanistan then, unfortunately they changed allegiance & became terrorists.


Old stuff but we supported Fidel Castro until he announced, by the way I am a communist!

Who trained the Israelis? The British during WW II. You never know what will happen when you train anyone or support a cause.


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