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IIS screwed up?
17/03/2003 18:57:48
17/03/2003 18:49:48
Keith Payne
Technical Marketing Solutions
Florida, United States
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Thanks Keith ... I always forget about checking there (even though our application logs errors there). I guess I've got a mental block about it. However, looking in the error log doesn't shed any light on the situation other than to say that *maybe* it *is* a SQL problem and not necessarily a SessionState problem (because some of the error messages indicate SqlClient errors). I guess I'll try using the in-process SessionState and see if that solves the problem, but I don't think it will.

Any other ideas?


>The first thing I would do is check the Event Log of the server. Sometimes you can get lucky and see pertinent info in the error messages.
>>Hey gang,
>>Here's one that's got me stumped. This is the second time it's happened to me. The first time, I figured it was just a fluke and recreated my TestForm. But, since it's happened again, it has me worried that it will happen on my real form instead of a TestForm and then I'll be up the creek without a paddle. Here's what happened:
>>I was in the middle of debugging my Test WebForm. I'm doing stuff with saving SessionState variables to SQL Server (although I can't say whether it's the SQL Server part of it that's problematic ... at this point I don't think so). Anyway, .NET and IIS locks up really bad , for who-knows-what-reason (probably over-worked and under-paid). Killing the VS.NET process thru Task Manager allows me to get out of it, but I can't even bring up VS.NET after that because it hangs up (or times out actually) on trying to access the WebServer. The only recourse is to reboot (I've tried stopping/restarting IIS ... doesn't help).
>>Anyway, once the PC has been re-booted, everything is fine ... except for that one WebForm that crashed. I just cannot run it again, no matter what I try I keep getting the following error:
>>Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in a Page directive
>>It *is* set to true in the machine.config, I'm using the sessionState mode = "SQLServer" etc. in the Web.config. It works fine on any other page I start up, just not the one that crashed-and-burned. I tried putting EnableSessionState="true" in the Page directive (as the error message suggested), but it still won't work.
>>I'm guessing something's hosed in IIS, but I don't have a clue where to look or how to fix it. Anybody???
Bonnie Berent DeWitt
NET/C# MVP since 2003


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