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Saddam's Support of Terrorism
18/03/2003 16:32:56
John Ryan
Captain-Cooker Appreciation Society
Taumata Whakatangi ..., New Zealand
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>You snip things apart and apply disjointed tautologies to each part, then expect it to fit together at the end as some sort of "proof" that the world is appeasing SH and it has to stop. The irony is that we agree on most of the individual snips you pull apart, but the snips do not prove what you say. That a buffalo and a man both breathe does not prove the man is a buffalo. Snipping apart and looking at hair, circulation and all the rest "that they both have" in isolation, comes no closer to proving that a man is a buffalo. It's just a series of individual tauts.
>Our discussions seem somewhat like this:
>JR> buffalos have a completely different hip joint from men.
>CM> that's because buffalos don't walk on their hind legs.
>JR> but men do walk on their hind legs.
>CM> which is why their hip joints are different. You make my points for me.
>JR> So how can a man be a buffalo if they are so different?
>CM> I already said; they both breathe. And why do you say they are different? I thought we agreed about the above points.
>To succeed you need to *include* the differences I identify rather than trying to explain them away or balancing them off with something different. You have to look at the whole and show how it all fits together and makes sense. You can't do this re appeasement.

Actually, I do include your differences, specifically:

Agreed, but the terms of the cease fire in 1991 and the U.N. Resolutions were not anywhere near as severe at the Treaty of Versailles. He was asked to give up his weapons of mass destruction. He has not. 12 years is enough.


Not being the most prepared does not mean he is still not a serious threat. You don't need a large army to do severe damage. Look at Al Qaeda. Were they the most prepared country in the world? No, not by far. Yet they still did serious damage and continue to be a severe threat, as Saddam does.


Hitler had not invaded any states in 1935. Are you saying that he wasn't a threat then, then suddenly became one overnight when he reoccupied the Rhineland? No, it didn't happen overnight.

You have chosen not to respond to them.
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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