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>>Sadam is a threat, not to the free world, he's a threat to all forms os life in earth!
>>He must be deposed, caught and put in jail.
>Everyone seems to agree that this is true, but no one seems willing to put their butts on the line to do it. So what's the answer? Let him alone until he succeeds in developing a few nukes? Until he decides to sell his VX and anthrax to Hamas or al Quaida? Dictators don't shrivel up and go away, and even if Hussein falls over dead from a heart attack, his sons are ready to step in and continue their demented quest for domination of the Arab world.
>Sorry - you can rant all you want, but the knife is on OUR throat. It isn't about oil, it's about preventing 9/11 on a massive and much more horrid scale. And there is no other way of dealing with this threat than putting boots on the ground and going after Hussein and his henchmen. Sanctions haven't worked, containment has only hardened his resolve. I, for one, am not willing to wait for the sarin to float thru US air before deciding to deal with Hussein. This war is, in my mind (and in the minds of many of my countrymen) completely justifiable.


You have raised an interesting point! So far there has only been dialogue about the possibility of action against Iraq being the possible cause of additional terrorism, and aligning all Arab and other nations against us. We have seen videos of Arabs who are aggravated at the United States for what is about to happen in Iraq.

I have to conclude from those thoughts that it is all right to conduct acts of terrorism against others but that one should not eliminate a real or potential threat. We see how the Palestinians and Israelis react to terrorism.

The United States should apologize to the world for 9-11. We should not have freedom or be allowed to live our lives as we see fit. Our Constitution means nothing. We should only behave as the rest of the world demands.

The United States should not have the right to destroy terrorist and protect our citizens but Arabs and others should be allowed to destroy us. I think the Sociologists from the University of California at Berkeley have gotten into the thinking process of other nations. Bleeding hearts are always sincere for the wrong reasons and have no concept of reality.

Because of our backgrounds I think that neither of us like anything about war. I do not appreciate the way Bush and his Administration have handled this situation but we are backed into a wall at this point. We pay the price now or later. Later may be too late. No one is a crystal ball reader.

We may have to take action against other nations or specific individuals as time goes on. To paraphrase the words of Admiral Yamamoto after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, “Do not wake the sleeping Giant”!

We are not here to please or appease the rest of the world. If you want to treat the United States with respect then you will be able to deal with us for better or worse. If you want to attack our nation you are going to have to pay a price.

Saddam and his country are going to pay a price and that is a fact. This war has not begun. It could be the end of humanity but if that is what the world wants then they will enjoy the ride.

The terrorists who were and are behind 9-11 have much to fear. It is not we who should be afraid to eliminate the terrorists and their supporters but they who must fear us. The terrorists have unleashed HELL on Earth and we will all pay for it!


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