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Saddam's Support of Terrorism
29/03/2003 12:13:12
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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>GB: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/iraq/comment/0,12956,925082,00.html

These first 10 days have disproved two of his core, pre-war arguments: that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction and that his people would instantly see foreign invasion as liberation. .

The Guardian is stating that since WMD have not been used of found in the first 10 days, they obviously do not exist. Of course, 10 days proves nothing. But The Guardian won't let facts get in the way of a story.

>Spain: Aznar's party's ancestors go back to generalissimus Franco.

So they are assumed guilty due to what their ancestors did?

>Italy: Berlusconi is not really having much support. He got into power by owning most of the media market. Such a monopoly would be against the FCC regulations here (unless we count the fact thet Powell jr heads it now)

It's amazing how when an elected government doesn't share your views, they are somehow illegitimate.

>IOW - you may say that 46 governments support the war. I'd beg to differ about "countries".

>And he's making money on what he's writing, i.e. his own work. Unocal, I suppose, will be bringing its own oil from home to fill the pipeline.

If he were to call his work fiction, I wouldn't have a problem with that.

>Thanks for a good advice, I appreciate it.
>Irony aside, I'm having two screens on at almost all times: TV and monitor. TV is spitting mostly worthless propaganda, technical ponography about the artillery and other hardware, they are forbidden to show anything substantial... so I need the balance from the other side. After living a decade under Milosevic, I have developed this nervous tic that reacts very badly to state propaganda, and I've become very sensitive to it - I recognize it in mid-sentence. I specially get ticked off when it comes to waging wars for no good reason (except keeping incumbents in power) and then labeling anyone opposing it as non-patriotic, traitors etc. I've lived through that story, refused two kind invitations to join the madness, and you can't imagine how I feel seeing the same story repeat here, on a far worse scale.
>So, despite me being a complete unbeliever, "I spoke and saved my soul".
>(The last three words should better be interpreted as "saved my internal peace", because I also don't believe in "putting soul on a savings account" and such.)
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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