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02/04/2003 15:50:12
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Myself no, because as a single parent I don't have too many evenings free. The last time I was in a play was "The Imaginary Invalid" in college! Long time ago... When my daughter's school went on a daytrip to Ft Fisher three years ago the local newstation out of Raleigh was doing a story and caught site of the kids getting ice cream cones along the way. They asked to interview her and she was too embarassed and refused to talk on camera! She has gotten alot more outgoing since then and since has been in 2 local tv commercials, in the newspaper twice, and on the tv news and gets asked periodically to be in a commerical or a film as an extra. So far, it has been at poor times school-wise so she could not do it. However, I promised her that the next time she was offered the opportunity she could participate. I'm just hoping that whatever it is that it will not disrupt school too much since I gave my word! It seems the best place to get noticed is in the mall-twice she got spots that way (oh yeah, can't forget that time getting ice cream cones! :o) I may get involved here locally now in theatre now that she is more interested in it and sees how much fun it is.

>"Towards Zero" was fun. I wasn't the murderer. We aksed the audience to vote before the final act and say why and I got the most votes. Very few guessed the real murderer, and I don't think anyone got the motive right. Although fun, I prefer musicals. I love to sing as much as I love to act.
>I don't know how far Wilington is from Hope Mills, but have you ever gone and auditioned for any of these movies? Chances are you's only be an extra, but it's lots of fun too and you meet some celebs.
>>Sounds like fun. It looks like your theatre group puts on quite an ecclectic array of plays. Being an Agatha Christie fan myself, I wish I could've seen "Towards Zero." Now I understand why you state that you are an evening person--most actors are! They do quite a bit of filming in Wilmington, NC too.
>>>I think just about anyone could learn a lot from acting. Most people think of it helping with jobs like sales and of course interrogating. But, I find it helps even in the IT world. It's easier to have empathy and helps in seeing what the customer sees. It also helps with diversity. You will never meet a more diverse group of people than a bunch of actors.
>>>I figured when I mentioned Savannah that a military girl would have heard of us. What I don't understand is once you were here how you could have left. Boy, I love this place. True, it does get hot, but I ride around with the top down and keep the AC low when inside. I live at night anyway (I've been known to visit a bar or two myself) and it's not so bad then. I'm also on an island and it cooler there. Well, breezier.
>>>Lots of acting opportunities here too. It's all community theatre, but there is plenty of it. It's slowed up some, but there is still more than most cities our size. Six different theatre groups. I just finished doing "West Side Story." All sorts of stuff on my web site http://wonderley.com if you're interested. Savannah was getting big into movies for a while, but nothing recently. If they start doing movies again and I make it big, I'll let you know.
>>>>Wow, what a coincidence. When I was in college (the first time) I studied acting. Believe it or not, those tools came in handy when I was an interrogator! I was in Savannah in the spring of 1990 and it was such a terrific place. The only reason I would not have considered living there at that time was the hot sticky summers. I spent most of my time in the blues bars...strange how I ended up in NC where we have hot sticky summers!

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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