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War and profit
07/04/2003 15:19:54
07/04/2003 14:51:46
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Well, if the French want to participate in post-war rebuilding of Iraq they can go in right now, because according to Chirac, there are no WMD in Iraq (except those that the U.S. planted) so it should be safe to start rebuilding Iraq now. I'm sure our troops can put those missiles with their chemical warheads and those drums of chemicals (that never existed according to Chirac) back where they were. Now, as to the soldiers that suffered signs of chemical exposure and were decontaminated when they found these items, better tell THEM that these WMD do not exist and it is all in their minds so they can stop showing these 'symptons' until the UN gets impartial inspectors inside Iraq and discovers these items themselves (in another 12 years maybe) and then finally decide they exist. We know they are there, we just haven't found them all yet. I would hope Iraq does not have WMD but history says otherwise. I guess we could just stick our heads in the ground and pretend they don't exist like Chirac since it is more important to stand against the leader of a powerful country than to admit that that country may be subject to a threat from a country that holds WMD and has used them in the past on their own people. Yep, the UN looks more like a puppet of Chirac then the transitional team does a puppet of Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz to me...

>Chicken Little here, reporting for abuse...
>I've certainly heard that the retired U.S. general is set to go in as soon as told and take responsibility for immediate post-war administration.
>What has become unclear is the purpose and intention of the Rumsfeld/cabal (Wolfowitz has been overseeing this group for several MONTHS (more than 12) now). That it relates to PUPPETRY is indisputable in my mind, and I think the minds of most of the (rest of) the world too.
>Why has Rumsfeld (or more likely Wolfowitz) felt it necessary to have them so close at hand at all?... First in norther Iraq and now - 500 people at great expense - to southern Iraq (near Nasiriya)? It isn't good enough for them to be in Kuwait, or even in their homes to come on short notice? Why haven't they been with the retired general?
>The BIG question remains - what business is it of Rumsfeld's in the first place???? The retired general is Rumsfeld's business, to be sure, but what of these 25 departments made up of long-ago Iraq residents who will have no credibility with Iraqis nor with other arabs in the region????
>Tony Blair has been vocal in recent days that the U.N. will play an important role post-war, and I have no doubt that it is all in his attempt to put President Bush in a box so that the U.N. is not relegated to a subordinate secondary role in the aftermath.
>I believe that President Bush will get his own way and do what he wants regardless. If President Bush elects to use the Rumsfeld (cabal) plan then I think it definitely is kiss bye-bye to the U.N. and look out world!
> >Tracy,
>>I am going to go ahead and reply for Jim: The very evil cabal led by Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. are using the Iraqi exiles as puppets, all part of their master plan to take over the entire world! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
>>>Actually I believe the 'military's transitional team' is sitting in Kuwait which has currently a retired general as a team leader. From what I understand, they are there waiting to enter Iraq when the fighting stops to start organizing a transitional government in Iraq and coordinate security. Initial security will be divided into 'zones' I'm sure for security purposes only (kindof like counties in the U.S. for security areas to be responsible for such as police actions, crime, leftover guerilla fighters, etc) This is supposedly the temporay military portion of the transitional government. I would guess that this one would need to be in place for at least 6 months. It will take that long to ensure the security and safety of Iraqi citizens and continue to weed out sporadic leftover guerrilla fighters that might take pot-shots at new leaders, find and destroy weapons caches, etc. I envision a 6-8 month military controlled period followed by a 1-2 year temporary civilian leadership
>>>followed by Iraqi elections.
>>>Following that, I have no idea! While democracy is not difficult, it will takes months to organize and coordinate and provide security for elections. Getting people to run, creating political parties, police training locations, training police, government structures, etc will actually take years.
>>>Then what about a new Iraqi army capable of defending itself. Sortof what Japan was allowed to do after WWII. That must be coordinated and funded and the leaders trained to be non-tortuers and how to be military leaders and abide by humanitarian guidelines, etc. Funding of the new army and approved weapons for self-defense, etc. Then what if Iraq wants U.S. military installations for a period of time to protect itself (I doubt it, but it is a possibility) until its military can be rebuilt (like Germany, France, Turkey, etc)? While it might be a good idea for Iraq during the rebuilding process, the Arab world would go crazy. However, Iraq would have good reason go want one given their Iran and Turkey history.
>>>I am just a citizen at home, so what do I know! Nothing! :o)
>>>>Last night on "60 Minutes" (TV show on CBS) a segment discussed post-war Iraq and a portion focused on reconstruction.
>>>>One administration related person stated flatly that it makes perfect sense to him that U.S. companies should get all the work and profits because it was U.S. blood that won the victory. [don't remember his name but he was a balding large smarmy individual who sees things in black and white only]
>>>>I find it to be a curious aspect of capitalism that the blood of individual soldiers killed or wounded could be so easily APPROPRIATED by corporate interests!
>>>>Will the profits realized go towards supporting the families of those killed in the war? Will the profits realized go into supporting medical/rehab costs for those injured in the war?
>>>>Since corporations pay little or no taxes, that route isn't the likely way.
>>>>Sidenote: The Wolfowitz/cabal 'transitional government' team is now sitting in southern Iraq. I wonder why?!?!?!
>>>>And the disagreement between Rumsfeld(cabal) and Powell is now out in the open. If Rumsfeld wins, as I'm sure he intends to, then we had all better be prepared for bad things to come of it.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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