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Meanwhile Bush and Blair are discussing the spoils
08/04/2003 14:04:23
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>Last week a soldier from the US was rescued by the marines, very injured (but not even near to what that poor boy is suffering and WILL suffer until the last day of his, now, damned life!), she gainned fame in the news in the TV, newspapers, was treated like an hero etc. That is all ok, but... what about that poor boy (unfortunattelly I have to write in english, because in portuguese I would know ALL the correct words to show my indignation!).
>He will be treated like an hero? His picture will be put in worldwide TV? He will be remembered in the years to come? That girl that was rescued in few months will be wearing a brand new uniform, will have a beatiful makeup in her smiling face, and one (more) medal in her chest.
>AND THAT BOY??? Jesus Christ! Can't you ALL see the brutallity and the difference of treatment between people? WE ALL are people, not JUST the americans are people and that disgraced boy is "another civilian victim". That boy is just ONE of the hundreds (thousands?) of victims like him. Is that boy guilty of Sadam's crimes? So why he has to pay so heavily, for other's crimes? "Sorry, things like that happen in war...". SORRY???
>Doesn't that put a big shame on you? Don't you get extremelly shocked with that? How can the americans put their heads in pillows and sleep at night knowing that the US government is doing those atrocities in name of their "security".
>The tremendous atrocities made by Sadam Hussein DOES NOT JUSTIFY the tremendous atrocities the US are making to the Iraqi people, with the pompous name of "Iraq Liberation"! Does it???
>What are the US trying to do? Create 1,000 new Bin Ladens? If not, that's EXACTLY what they're doing!
>This massacre is what George Bush thinks was the mission God gave him? Or that was not the mission or who gave him the mission was not God!
>PS. Tom, sorry, I used your friendly ears to say what was deep in my heart. I apologize, I know you are a good and decent man and, certainly, is as shocked as I am.


I have seen things I will not talk about. Nothing surprises me at this point of life. Public acceptance, and propaganda determine what we worship and what we reject. Only that which is presented on the media as having value will be appreciated. Millions have died in wars within the last one hundred years. How many names are remembered?

People in power respect one thing – results – and they had better be the expected results! Otherwise heads will roll! Like Stalin said, “If a family dies it is a tragedy. If a million die it is only a statistic”! Stalin was an expert at killing millions so I think he was “in the know”.


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