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Chirac hails end of Iraqi dictatorship
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Chirac's comments remind me of the scene in the movie Superman where Superman tricks the 3 bad guys into losing their powers. Lex Luther, who unknowingly helped Superman pull off the trick, says, "Hey, I was with you all the time Superman!"

>It is time to acknowledge what has happened in Iraq to legitimize the fact you want to be “part of the action”. In this case the action is what happens to Iraq, after the war. If you want a “piece of the pie” you had better get on the bandwagon.
>"France, like all democracies, is delighted at the fall of the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and hopes for a quick and effective end to the fighting," Chirac's office said in a statement.
>"It is now necessary to create the conditions which will give the Iraqi people its dignity in re-discovered freedom.”
>"On Wednesday evening Chirac spoke to British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites), who shares his enthusiasm for UN involvement despite the misgivings of many in the US administration".
>According to U.S. Senators (Republican and Democrat) the Bush Administration has not made clear what it intends to do when the war is over. There is no plan or budget according to top politicians. There is controversy within the Administration as to what is next.
>"Chirac travels to Saint Petersberg Friday for talks with Russian President Vladmir Putin and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Russia and Germany formed a bloc with France to oppose the war at the UN.
>"With the fall of the regime of Saddam Hussein, it is a dark page that is turned and we are delighted," said Chirac's foreign minister and close ally Dominique de Villepin at a meeting of EU and Arab ministers in southern France".
>Now does this indicate that the anti coalition forces are scheming as to “what is next”? Will this meeting be in the best interest of Iraq or the anti coalition forces? Gee – let me guess! You would think that such planning would be done within the United Nations at best or at least include the coalition.
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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