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Subclassing a class inside a dll
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Visual FoxPro
COM/DCOM and OLE Automation
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Hi Larry, sorry for the lag between your message and this reply. ;o)

The VB Code starts this way

' Declare the PDDatabaseQuery object
Dim pDbQuery As New PDDatabaseQuery

' Declare the PDRecordAdapter object
Dim pMemo As PDRecordAdapter

Dim PHotSync As New PDHotSyncUtility

If Not PHotSync.IsSyncInProgress Then
MsgBox "COM Sync Suite bla bla bla.",vbInformation, "Information"
Exit Sub
End If

' Let the user know we're processing
lblCount = "Please wait....."

' Open the Memo database
Set pMemo = pDbQuery.OpenRecordDatabase("MemoDB", "PDDirect.PDRecordAdapter", eRead Or eWrite Or eShowSecret)

I still can not have it working in VFP (using VFP 7).

Tried CREATEOBJECTS with Implementes (Interface dragged from Object Browser and droped into program, but I am still getting a "Class definition not found".

>>I have this DLL Standard.dll (that has a tlb file - ConStandard.tlb), I have to instantiate some classes that are defined inside it. I've got and examle in VB.....
>>1st: Go to Project -> References and check "Palm ComStandard 1.0 Type Library" and "Palm ComDirect 1.0 Type Library".
>>the code is something like this
>>Dim pDbQuery As New PDDatabaseQuery
>>Dim pmemo As PDRecordAdapter
>>How can I do the same thing with VFP? I am using VFP 7 and the only thing I could do was make intellisense show the components of ConDirect.dll (PDDirectLib) and ConStandard.dll (PDStanrdardLib).
>>I tryed
>>DEFINE CLASS PleaseWork AS PDStandardLib.PDAddressDbHHRecordAdapter
>>but it did not work .......
>>I am tryng to develop a Palm conduit with VFP, all examples are VB-made, and it is said that any COM compliant language can be used to develop conduits ..... so I'll do it with VFP. ;o)
>>Please, help! I can not find the right way .....
>>Thanks, ;o)
>You may be able to do something using an OleControl and set the appropriate property for the DLL to use. This will work if the class is available in the OLE control list and you can drop it on a form.
>If the COM objects has events, you could implement its interface and use EventHandler to bind to these events.
>To determine the appropriate method, does the VB example use IMPLEMENTS? Does it use WithEvents?
Like Frank said: "I did it... MY WAY!"

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