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Thoughts about Religion and Politics in the United State
07/05/2003 12:55:21
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I think that is true of most everyone. Most Democrats and Republicans that I know do not agree 100% with their party's policies. Libertarians also. I took a survey once that consisted of about 100 questions that given my responses to political views questions (how you feel on all of the issues), actually told me that I was a 'centrist.' Go figure. I'm not even sure what that is!

Hey, it has been 5 days! did you have a good vacation?

>Members of my family and friends tell me one of two things about my political viewpoint: I am liberal. I am conservative. It depends upon the issue and topic as to how I "feel". In general I am for the “little guy” and question any large organization, all politicians, and business. Technology is something I also question. Technology for the sake of technology is a potential problem for society.
>Separation of Church and State is essential. Trying to control one or the other is difficult. When Church and State are one disaster is the result.
>>Uh oh, are you becoming a 'generalist' now Tom? *G*
>>Regardless, I'm at least fairly certain that you are NOT a libertarian because your liberal viewpoints are almost SHOUTING.. :0)
>>>The following is a discussion of religion and politics. If you are faint of heart or a zealot perhaps you should not read what follows. You may agree or disagree. I am not saying this is reality but it is an opinion.
>>>Republicans are an interesting lot. Perhaps I should say that specific Republicans are interesting to me.
>>>Lincoln was one of our greatest Presidents and a most compassionate man. Thinking of Hoover and his actions during World War I, he did much to assist the French civilians and is recognized for his outstanding humanitarian action. When Hoover became President of the United States, and we experienced the Great Depression, he did nothing to assist Americans. This seems like a departure from his previous actions.
>>>Eisenhower was criticized for a “do nothing administration”, Nixon tried to control the world and stay in power at any cost (almost), Reagan promised to reduce the size of government, which he doubled along with doubling the national debt, Bush Senior had no idea of reality and Bush Junior is Bush Junior, whatever that means.
>>>The Republican Party of Lincoln was the party of the “common man”. Today it is the “business party”. People argue that today the Democratic Party is “too liberal” and wants to give people things they should not have. Like health care. Both parties spend a great deal of time and money on elections. They also like to do what is best for their parties’ own interest as opposed to the nation. This has been true for the last decade.
>>>Perhaps what our nation needs is one political party like other nations have had. Sometimes I think this is what is occurring. The faces seem to be one when it comes to politicians as of late. It is the politicians against the masses. The masses are only considered at election time. The rest of the time they are to be controlled and kept in place.
>>>I think that part of the dilemma I observe is due to the conflict of religious values. Two religions which are most prominent in this country are Roman Catholics and Protestants. Roman Catholic values are principled upon helping others even those that cannot help themselves. The Protestant Ethic is that every person must help himself or herself. These are basic values and the two systems do not agree. To me this is a conditioning process and one that many do not consider. It seems ingrained into the fabric of many United States citizens.
>>>You may be called a liberal if you subscribe to helping others or a conservative if you do not. I think the subject is deeper than just political boundaries and has more to do with religious upbringing. Democrats are “liberal” and Republicans are “conservative”. Great! More generalizations! For every generalization there is an exception. That is a given. If you do not fit the mold that is not unusual as we are all individuals. What I am talking about is apparent trends based upon end results.
>>>Which group is “correct”? You be the judge. Too much of any extreme is normally not good. Is there a balance that is more acceptable?

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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