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One thing I really dislike about tek-tips forum
08/05/2003 22:20:53
Mike Lacey
Lemon Tree Services Ltd
London, United Kingdom
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Hi Mike,

I actually was active in three forums: ASP, SQL Server and VFP forum. I started using tek-tips in February 2003, when I needed to learn ASP and SQL Server quickly. During this month, I mostly asked questions in those two forums. Since this position didn't work out for me (unfortunately), I then added VFP forum to the list of my forums and started to help people. I saw several threads in VFP forum, which were already discussed in UniversalThread, so in lots of cases I gave a link to UniversalThread threads. This caused my first ban from the site and all the threads, which I started, were deleted. I was restored on the site week after that incident. I spoke with David on the phone about it, he basically didn't give me the reason for banning, but we discussed other things, like FAQs, etc.

Couple of weeks later I became a 10th top expert in ASP forum. I also continued to help in VFP forum, but this time I tried to copy and paste solutions (in case of existing thread in UT) rather than making a link. All went well, until I decided to help somebody from UT ASP forum. I asked his question in VFP forum (the question was about ASP and VFP General field) and got few replies. Then Mike Gagnon (top expert in VFP forum) suggested to ask this question in ASP forum. I knew, that I would not receive responses there (I saw few threads in that forum about ASP/VFP and they either didn't get response or I had to jump in), but anyway went ahead and asked that question. Immediatelly after that I found, that original thread was deleted. I exchanged few e-mails with David letting him know, that I'm upset about this issue. In one of his e-mail he suggested to stay away from that forum, since I don't seem happy there. I responded, that I myself should have right to choose, which forum to use, and that I'm going to ask this question in VFP forum again, so please don't delete it. So, I asked again and got few good answers. Then somebody in ASP forum asked question about e-mail and ASPX twice. I tried to help in one of his threads, though pointing out, that it should have been asked in ASP.NET forum instead. Then I found, that both threads were deleted and my thread in ASP forum was deleted as well (the one about ASP/VFP General field).

So, I started this message here. Right exactly in this time Gaetano in VFP forum (handle casters - he is not banned, BTW) pointed out, that he noticed, that threads and posts are deleted and pointed out to the thread, where I participated. The posts, which were deleted, were indeed off-topic and were initiated by my comment about spelling error. I personally would not mind deleting them as long as the error would be corrected (which was not). Anyway, of course, I could not let this thread go and not jump in. So, I explained, that were the deleted posts, gave a link to this thread in UT and told, that I was banned from tek-tips site once. I also posted a quote from David's message to me about why I was banned the first time and explained, how somebody can see a thread in UT by its ID. That was the end of me using tek-tips. I found at 11pm that I was banned and all my posts were deleted. Of course, I immediatelly wrote several messages to David, on which he never replied. In my last message I asked him, if it's ok, if I call him to discuss this matter, because it did hurt my feelings, but he didn't reply as well. So, I believe, he is ignoring me now.

He didn't reply to Tracy's e-mail or Fabio's e-mail. Fabio Viera pointed out in his thread (Frx2Word), that my messages were deleted and his original message was edited (basically, I invited Fabio couple of weeks ago to check that thread). Later that day all these messages were deleted as well (no surprise here, of course).

So, basically, the truth is that tek-tips members are not allowed to discuss tek-tips management in the forum. They are not allowed to question, where are the threads/posts, etc. They are not allowed to joke or be slightly off-topic. That's something, which I don't really like. I like to express my opinions openly, without fear, that they would be edited or deleted.

By the way, I pointed out to the 3 last posts in the thread need a function that return exec file path.
thread184-536776, which were off-topic. Immediatelly after that my new account was deleted, but these posts remain in the forum. So, I see a clear predjustice from the management.

>Hi Leland,
>> .... I would like to comment on a few areas within the Tek-Tip forum where there are opportunities to improve the system. These are only suggestions based on my somewhat limited understanding of the forum, but I feel they should at least be considered by management.
>They will be (are being actually).
>>1) Any member of a thread can red flag a post. This means that each member of a thread must cooperate with all the other member to avoid being red flag.
>Yes - I see this as a good thing actually, though I take your point that it could be open to abuse.
>> I feel all member should feel free to express themself openly, without fear of being flagged, even if a member's position is in the minority.
>Within certain limits, yes.
>>You have stated that a member is red flagged when the following, or simular, violations are committed:
>>This does not sound like Nadya. [snip]
>I'm not a member of the VFP forums at TT and I haven't read *any* posts that Nadya made; so I can't comment.
>>2) There is a possibility that members of the forum might abuse their right to flag other members due to personal, rather than professional, reasons. This also would lead a member to become over cooperative with the group leader in order to stay in the group's good graces and avoid being red flagged.
>Yes - particularly in the smaller forums.
>> A possible solution to this weakness might be to require two or more members approval before the flag was place against an offending member's post.
>I'll suggest this.
>[snip] to insure a member is not being flagged based on another members alterative motive, like wishing to remain the group leader, etc. I think it is very possible that such abuses could be on going in Tek-Tips.
>If you can point Dave Murphy to instances where this has happened - I am sure that it will be dealt with. That's exactly what the Red-Flag mechanism is for - it goes drectly to site management, not through any moderators who might, let's face it, be the problem.
>>3) If I understand it correctly, once a post is flagged, the entire thread will be deleted. This is unfair to innocent member who have not committed any violations.
>Yes - that's a problem.
>WRT to threads being made invisible rather than being actually deleted - I understand that it's under consderation
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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