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OLE Container alleged bug
25/05/2003 13:19:44
26/02/2003 10:02:19
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Visual FoxPro
ActiveX controls in VFP
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I see that you haven't had a reply, so I'm just trying to 'revive' it using this message.

Please advise too if you know of any change of status since you wrote the original.


>Has anyone tried out the latest version of the ctExplorer control from dbi-tech.com?
>I have been an enthusiastic user of earlier versions of this very versatile control but have hit a snag with the latest release.
>Which is, incidentally, no longer sold by itself but now forms part of a package called Nav-Tools 2.0 Pro.
>The problem occurs when you place the control on a page of a pageframe control. When the form is run the control paints itself on top of everything even when the page it is on is not the currently selected page.
>Luckily this is not permanant and if you select the page with the control on and then reselect the first page it now works correctly.
>The problem therefore only arises when the form is first instantiated.
>There is a work around to this and that is to make sure the control is made invisible whilst the form is first being run and then make
>it visible when the page with the control on it gets selected.
>This fixes things at run time but the problem also occurs at design time and this is a real pain as it means you cannot see any thing else on the form thanks to this control appearing to be sitting on top of everything else.
>The same behavior occurs with VFP7 SP1 and with VFP8 Beta.
>When I raised this with dbi-tech technical support I got the following response:
>"We are aware of this concern, but it is not infact an error with the
>component, but with the OLE Container in FoxPro. It is due to the zorder."
>This is the main reason I am posting this message, I would particularly like a response from a Microsoft person as to whether this allegation is in fact correct or not.
>There is one other piece of information that might be relevant but in saying this I am aware of the fact that I don't really know what I am talking about....<g> and that is that the control now supports ISimpleFrame where previous versions did not. In other words it can act as a container and other FoxPro controls can be hosted within the control.
>I hasten to add that I am not actually doing this at the moment, but I am speculating that the addition of this capability to the control mught be what is causing the problem?
>Either way I am hoping that someone at either Microsoft or dbi-tech will be able to acknowledge that the problem is theirs and that it will eventually be fixed!

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