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Data type mismatch with Checkbox in grid
28/05/2003 18:09:26
26/05/2003 22:20:13
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Visual FoxPro
Classes - VCX
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This is a cursor created with sqlexec as follows:

>>lcsqlstmt='select ' + alltrim(CurErptaggedlists_h.msqlselect) + ', 1.00 as ltagged '

so the 1.00 (originally I had 1) is the column in question, so it is 1.00 for all rows, and never NULL

>What values are stored in the field? Does the field support NULL values?
>>Others have posted threads on here describing 'data type mismatch' when there is a checkbox in a grid. However, I think that most of the threads pertained to checkboxes in grids where the grid was defined at design time. I am building a grid programmatically. Now matter what I did, I would either get data type mismatch when I either a) clicked on the checkbox at runtime, or b) set the bound property to .t. for the column that the checkbox was in -programmatically - while building the grid.
>>For some inexplicable reason, the only way I got this to work was to first assign a numeric global variable as the control source to the column, while building the grid - then, after assigning the recordsource, reassigning the control source to my cursor's numeric field. Even though: a) my checkbox class has a 0 as the default and b) my cursor has a numeric value for the field that will be bound to the checkbox, I still get this data type mismatch problem. Inspecting the checkbox object in the debugger shows that it has a type of 'N'.
>>I'm glad it's working, but I feel as if the code is so fragile, because I really don't understand why. Can anyone shed some light? Here is a fragment of the code:

>>lcsqlnone= ' and (1 = 1) '
>>lcsqlstmt='select ' + alltrim(CurErptaggedlists_h.msqlselect) + ', 1.00 as ltagged '
>>lcsqlstmt=lcsqlstmt + ' from ' + alltrim(CurErptaggedlists_h.msqlfrom)
>>lcsqlstmt=lcsqlstmt + ' where ' + alltrim(CurErptaggedlists_h.msqlwhere) + lcsqlnone
>>lcsqlstmt = lcsqlstmt + ' order by ' + alltrim(CurErptaggedlists_h.morderby)
>>*activ screen
>>IF lnresult >= 1
>> LOCAL lnobjcntr, lcobjname
>> *-- note - going by lnobjcntr even though - could go by ncolumnno - in case ncolumnno is duped
>> lnobjcntr=0
>> assert .f.
>> DO while not eof('Curerptaggedlists_d')
>> lnobjcntr=lnobjcntr+1
>> lccolobjname='column' + alltrim(str(lnobjcntr))
>> this.grdtaggedlist.addobject(lccolobjname,"column")
>> lccontrolsource=alltrim(Curerptaggedlists_d.ccontrolso)
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..controlsource=lccontrolsource
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..currentcontrol="text1"
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..visible=.t.
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..width=Curerptaggedlists_d.nwidth
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..header1.caption=alltrim(Curerptaggedlists_d.cheader)
>> Skip in Curerptaggedlists_d
>> lnobjcntr=lnobjcntr+1
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..bound=.f.
>> *if I take out the line below- will get data type mismatch when I
>> ** set bound to .t., or, if i don't set bound to .f. to begin with,
>> ** will get data type mismatch when i click on the checkbox
>> ** if I even 'think about' setting the value property of the *checkbox
>> *here, to zero or 1 - or setting it period to anydata - I get a C5 *error.
>>* somehow setting the controlsource to a global numeric first makes my *problem go away - don't ask me why i even thought of doing this - dumb luck
>>** just had a vague notion that vfp wasn't keeping the data type of the *control in scope
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..controlsource=gnnumber
>> *this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..controlsource='curtaggedlist.ltagged'
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..newobject('checkbox1','chkboxtag','satfilter')
>> *this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..bound=.f.
>> *this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..checkbox1.value=.f.
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..checkbox1.caption=''
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..currentcontrol="checkbox1"
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..sparse=.f.
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..visible=.t.
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..width=Curerptaggedlists_d.nwidth
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..header1.caption='Selected'
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..bound=.t.
>> this.grdtaggedlist.recordsource='Curtaggedlist'
>> this.grdtaggedlist.&lccolobjname..controlsource='curtaggedlist.ltagged'


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