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Congrats to the C# MVPS!
27/06/2003 20:54:32
27/06/2003 15:59:14
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Visual FoxPro
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He's from the Canadian south, remember.


>The important issue is....
>What's a Canadian doing using the word "y'all"? ;-)
>>Why is it that a few of you luminaries feel SO COMPELLED to go around preaching the decline/demise of VFP over and over and over and over again????
>>Can't y'all just LET IT BE?????
>>As for ethical (or not)...
>>Some people view any way of making $$$ as ethical as long as it ain't illegal. Others of us don't.
>>Some people feel that as long as they spout some homilies about "loving" something they can then set about to say any negative thing they choose about that self-same 'love'. Others of us feel that such action is, at best, two-faced and disingenuous and betrays that the spouter has a very low opinion of those to whom he is spouting (so dumb that they can't see the 'killing with kindness').
>>You've moved from being in a symbiotic relationship with VFP to being clearly in a predatory mode now. Your homilies can't hide that fact.
>>>Hi Tom,
>>>>Sure, my thought is this: Why do you teach a product that you "see the writing on the wall"?
>>>I've made no bones about the fact that I am committed to teaching VFP until there is no longer a demand for VFP training. With the number of VFP training options out there dwindling to a very few, I know how important it is for TakeNote to continue to support the VFP development community.
>>>I've got to tell you though, the VFP training business ain't what it used to be. Why do you think there are so few companies offering training?
>>>Also, let me be very clear about this, I think VFP is a great development tool, though I'm not real thrilled about that DBF file structure but that's another story. < s >
>>>>Seems almost unethical that you do not practice what you preach - eh?
>>>I preach that people should expand their tool kit? I have expanded mine.
>>>I preach that people should consider using SQL Server as their data store. I use SQL Server for our development projects.
>>>I preach that using the right tool for the right job is critcal. I always evaluate a project and then determine the best tool for the job.
>>>Yep, you got me, nailed me to the wall. Yep, that's me, unethical.
>>>>Bottom line: you bash VFP but will take money teach it and turn around and tell people they are making the wrong decision using VFP.
>>>Who said anything about me saying using VFP is the wrong decision? Just last month I was on-site with a client who was converting their app from DBF-based data to SQL Server data. Since it was going to involve a pretty extensive rewrite, I asked if they had considered .NET. The CEO said his people were all very fluent in VFP and they didn't have the time to learn .NET and still get the re-write done. He thought that VFP was the best solution for this project. You know what? I agreed completely. Didn't bash him for sticking with VFP because it was the right decision.
>>>>What would Joe V Bob think of that?

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