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Need to generate aleatory cursors in the server
01/07/2003 18:14:31
Hilmar Zonneveld
Independent Consultant
Cochabamba, Bolivia
01/07/2003 17:39:39
General information
Visual FoxPro
Coding, syntax & commands
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I am not sure about your problem, but allow me to point out that the Spanish word "aleatorio" translates to "random".



>Hello, i need to install my program in a server which i'm accessing through a program named Tarantella, i realize that with this program it doesn't create temporary files in the client because the server is at the same time the client, thats why i need to create a way or solution in order to create some cursors and excel files with this schema.
>It always shows the next message error when i'm trying to run the same rutine:
>File access denied.
>this is all my code:
>Set hour to 24
>local i,j,TrendFunc,xlsheet,XLApp,tmpsheet,fllam,faten,fcier,taten,tsolu,unotab,dostab,tretab,cuatab,cintab,seitab,sietab
>Set date dmy
>m.ini = "01/01/2000"
>m.fin = "31/05/2000"
>m.usuario = 0
>m.ingeniero = 0
>m.grupo = 0
>m.servicio = 0
>m.modelo = " "
>m.host = 0
>Do form fecllam
>select 	llamadas.numero				as numero		,;
>		llamadas.fllamada 			as fllamada		,;
>		llamadas.undhard 			as hardware		,;
>		llamadas.modelo 			as modelo		,;
>		llamadas.mantenim 			as sernombre	,;
>		llamadas.host	 			as host			,;
>		llamadas.piso				as piso			,;
>		llamadas.usuario			as usuario		,;
>		llamadas.ingeniero			as ingeniero    ,;
>		llamadas.grupo				as grupo	    ,;
>		llamadas.servicio			as servicio	    ,;
>		llamadas.reporta   			as usunombre	,;
>		oficina.nombre				as ofinombre	,;
>		dispositivo.descripcion 	as disnombre	,;
>		ingeniero.nombre			as ingnombre	,;
>		grupos_ing.nombre			as grunombre	,;
>		sub_unidades.descripcion 	as mantenim		,;
>		" "  						as llaestado18	,;
>		" "  						as llaestado18	,;
>		" "  						as llaestado18	,;
>	    llamadas.fcierre			as cierre 		;
>	from	llamadas, usuarios_cia, oficina, dispositivo, ingeniero, grupos_ing, sub_unidades ;
>	where 	Sys(11,Llamadas.fllamada) >= sys(11,m.ini) and;
>            Sys(11,Llamadas.fllamada) <= Sys(11,m.fin) and ;
>       		llamadas.usuario		= usuarios_cia.codigo		and ;
>			llamadas.oficina		= oficina.codigo			and ;
>			llamadas.dispositivo	= dispositivo.codigo		and ;
>			llamadas.ingeniero		= ingeniero.codigo			and ;
>			llamadas.grupo			= grupos_ing.codigo			and ;
>			llamadas.servicio		= sub_unidades.codigo		;
>order by numero ;
>group by numero ;
>into table unotab
>select unotab
>if empty(m.usuario)
>		select * from unotab into table dostab
>	else
>	    select * from unotab where usuario = m.usuario into table dostab
>select dostab
>if empty(m.modelo)
>		select * from dostab into table tretab
>	else
>	    select * from dostab where modelo = m.modelo into table tretab
>select tretab
>if empty(m.host)
>		select * from tretab into table cuatab
>	else
>	    select * from tretab where host = m.host into table cuatab
>if empty(m.ingeniero)
>		select * from cuatab into table cintab
>	else
>	    select * from cuatab where ingeniero = m.ingeniero into table cintab
>if empty(m.grupo)
>		select * from cintab into table seitab.dbf
>	else
>	    select * from cintab where grupo = m.grupo into table seitab.dbf
>if empty(m.servicio)
>		select * from seitab into table sietab
>	else
>	    select * from seitab where servicio = m.servicio into table sietab
>select * from sietab into cursor curtab
>go bottom
>go top
>dimension arreglo(x)
>SELECT * from sietab INTO ARRAY arreglo
>WAIT WINDOW "Iniciando Excel " NOWAIT
>if x<=1
>  =messagebox("No hay información para el query requerido")
>tmpsheet = GetObject('','excel.sheet')
>XLApp = tmpsheet.application
>XLSheet = XLApp.ActiveSheet
>XLSheet.Cells(1,1).value = "Numero Llamada"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,2).value = "Fecha Llamada"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,3).value = "Host"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,4).value = "Modelo"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,5).value = "Serie"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,6).value = "Usuario Codigo"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,7).value = "Usuario Nombre"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,8).value = "Oficina"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,9).value = "Piso"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,10).value = "Ingeniero Codigo"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,11).value = "Ingeniero Nombre"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,12).value = "Grupo Codigo"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,13).value = "Grupo Nombre"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,14).value = "Servicio Codigo"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,15).value = "Servicio Nombre"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,16).value = "Llamadas"
>XLSheet.Cells(1,17).value = "Temporal"
>* ******************************************************
>for i=1 to x
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,1).value = arreglo(i,1)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,2).value = arreglo(i,2)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,3).value = arreglo(i,6)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,4).value = arreglo(i,4)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,5).value = arreglo(i,5)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,6).value = arreglo(i,8)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,7).value = arreglo(i,12)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,8).value = arreglo(i,13)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,9).value = arreglo(i,7)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,10).value = arreglo(i,9)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,11).value = arreglo(i,15)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,12).value = arreglo(i,10)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,13).value = arreglo(i,16)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,14).value = arreglo(i,11)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,15).value = arreglo(i,17)
>	arreglo(i,18)="Cerradas"
>	if empty(arreglo(i,21))
>		arreglo(i,18)="Abiertas"
>	endif
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,16).value = arreglo(i,18)
>	XLSheet.Cells(i+1,17).value = 1
>	wait windows "Iniciando Excel. Copiados "+alltrim(str(i))+" registros de "+alltrim(str(x)) nowait
>XLApp.Visible = .t.	 		
>select unotab
>delete file unotab
>select dostab
>delete file dostab
>select tretab
>delete file tretab
>select cuatab
>delete file cuatab
>select cintab
>delete file cintab
>select seitab
>delete file seitab
>How can i solve this?
>Thanks for your support.
Difference in opinions hath cost many millions of lives: for instance, whether flesh be bread, or bread be flesh; whether whistling be a vice or a virtue; whether it be better to kiss a post, or throw it into the fire... (from Gulliver's Travels)

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