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ComboBox Erratic Fatal Error behavior
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Visual FoxPro
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Hi Gregorio,

So, the first important thing, you found, is that the problem is in the form (its Init and Activate) and not in the calling form with combo (or another class). That's important.

I didn't try to analyze the code in Init (it's too long), but few things brought my attention:
1) Why you put .controlsource = "(thisform.r_flds[l_indx])"? Why you have parens here? It should work without them.

2) There are lots of macro substitution in this code. I prefer to avoid them everywhere I can.

Say, looping for the each column in the grid could be done:
for each loColumn in grid.columns
    with loColumn
         .controlsouce = ...[lnI]
    lnI = m.lnI + 1
I understand, it's not your code and you're reluctant to change it, but you can always go to the backup copy. The code was not perfect from the beginning and finally in VFP8 something broke. If I have to deal with the problem, I would fix the code to my liking long time ago (fully re-test new code, though)...

I will try to re-write it tomorrow, since right now I'm on the machine without VFP...

>Nope, still there, I remove the combo box , create a new class base on a container that have a text box and a command bottom to simulate a combobox but the form still causing problem. this is the code that are in the init and active event.
>the error is in the line 207
>"		.controlsource=(thisform.r_flds[l_indx])"
>*** INIT METHOD****
>Parameters p_fldlist,p_headers,p_width,indx1,indx2,indx1name,indx2name,cw1,cw2,cw3,cw4,cw5,p_refresh, p_ndx1,p_ndx2
>*	p_fldlist	= passed field list
>*	p_headers	= field descriptions
>*	p_width		= width of form
>*	indx1		= search field1
>*	indx2		= search field2
>*	indx1name	= search field1 caption
>*	indx2name	= search field2 caption
>*	cw1			= width of column1
>*	cw2			= width of column2
>*	cw3			= width of column3
>*	cw4			= width of column4
>*	cw5			= width of column5
>*	p_refresh	= always refresh selection
>* tah - 02/22/2002 per DRS removed this line of code so the lookup will always be grey.  If it is the
>* same color as the other forms it can blend into the calling form.  If it is always grey it stands out
>* from the calling form.
>*!*	thisform.backcolor = mainmenu.background
>* Store the column widths and the total of the column widths
>thisform.r_fldLengths(6) = 0
>for pCnt = 1 to 5
>	pCW = "cw" + str(pCnt,1)
>	thisform.r_fldLengths(pCnt) = &pCW
>	thisform.r_fldLengths(6) = thisform.r_fldLengths(6) + &pCW
>* tah - 03/13/2002 #271 If p_ndx1 or p_ndx2 is not numeric and/or is less than 1 ... set to 1
>if type("p_ndx1") # "N" or p_ndx1 < 1
>	p_ndx1 = 1
>if type("p_ndx2") # "N" or p_ndx2 < 1
>	p_ndx2 = 1
>thisform.indexcol1 = p_ndx1
>thisform.indexcol2 = p_ndx2
>thisform.r_refresh = p_refresh
>Thisform.OldExact = set("exact")
>Set Exact off
>Thisform.srchindex1 = ' '
>Thisform.srchindex2 = ' '
>Case !empty(indx1) and !empty(indx2)
>	Thisform.srchindex1 = indx1
>	Thisform.srchindex2 = indx2
>	Thisform.sortby.option1.caption=indx1name
>	Thisform.sortby.option2.caption=indx2name
>	if jnLookUpOrder = 1
>		Set order to (indx1)
>	else
>		Set order to (indx2)
>	endif
>	thisform.SortBy.value = jnLookUpOrder
>*!*		Set order to (indx1)
>	Thisform.sortby.option1.visible=.f.
>	Thisform.sortby.option2.visible=.f.
>	Thisform.lblsort.visible=.f.
>* tah - 06/21/00 removed the "go top" to remain at the spot in the file where you are.
>*!*	Go top
>* tah - 06/21/00 removed the "on key label esc" so the user can press esc to exit.
>Thisform.WIDTH = p_width
>* tah - 07/03/00 reset autocenter after form width is set center the form.
>thisform.autocenter = .t.
>Private ALL LIKE l_*
>*Dimension THISFORM.r_flds[1]
>Thisform.r_flds = ""
>Thisform.r_alias = ALIAS()
>If !EOF()
>	Thisform.r_oldrec=RECNO()
>	Locate
>	If EOF()
>		* No records in table
>		mainmenu.uanmessagebox('SM-5')
>		* Set public variable .f. so menu items are active
>		plLookUp = .f.
>*!*			mainmenu.plLookUp = .f.
>		* Exit without displaying the grid
>		Return .f.
>	Else
>		Thisform.r_oldrec = RECNO()
>	Endif
>* If the table has a field named "FormName"...see if any records are able to be selected.
>nnn = afields(FieldsArry)
>nnn = ascan(FieldsArry,"FORMNAME")
>if nnn # 0
>	rrr = recno()
>	count to x for empty(FormName)
>	go rrr
>	if x = 0
>		* No records able to be selected.
>		mainmenu.uanmessagebox("SM-3")
>		* Set public variable .f. so menu items are active
>		plLookUp = .f.
>*!*			mainmenu.plLookUp = .f.
>		* Exit without displaying the grid
>		Return .f.
>	endif
>	thisform.r_FormName = .t.
>l_firstchr = 1
>l_lastchr = 1
>l_numfld = 0
>l_fldlen = 0
>Do WHILE l_lastchr <= LEN(p_fldlist)
>	l_numfld = l_numfld+1
>*	Dimension THISFORM.r_flds[l_numfld]
>	If AT(",",p_fldlist,l_numfld) > 0
>		l_lastchr = AT(",",p_fldlist,l_numfld)-1
>	Else
>		l_lastchr = LEN(p_fldlist)+1
>	Endif
>	Thisform.r_flds[l_numfld] = ;
>		ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(p_fldlist,l_firstchr,l_lastchr-l_firstchr+1))
>	If AT(",",p_fldlist,l_numfld)>0
>		l_firstchr=AT(",",p_fldlist,l_numfld)+1
>	Else
>		l_firstchr = LEN(p_fldlist)
>	Endif
>	l_fldname = THISFORM.r_alias+"."+THISFORM.r_flds[l_numfld]
>	Case type("&l_fldname") = "N"
>		lcsub = ALLTRIM(STR(&l_fldname))
>		l_fldlen = l_fldlen + LEN(lcsub)
>		ThisForm.grdsearch.columns(l_numfld).removeobject('_editbox1')
>	Case type("&l_fldname") = "L"
>		lcsub = IIF(&l_fldname,"T","F")
>		l_fldlen = l_fldlen + 1
>		ThisForm.grdsearch.columns(l_numfld).removeobject('_editbox1')
>	Case type("&l_fldname") = "C" or type("&l_fldname") = "M"
>		l_fldlen = l_fldlen + LEN(&l_fldname)
>		ThisForm.grdsearch.columns(l_numfld).currentcontrol='_editbox1'
>	case type("&l_fldname") = "U"
>		dimension Error_Arry(1)
>		Error_Arry(1) = l_fldname
>		clear typeahead
>		MainMenu.UANMessageBox("SM-22", @Error_Arry)
>		return .f.
>	case type("&l_fldname") = "D"
>		ThisForm.grdsearch.columns(l_numfld).removeobject('_editbox1')
>	Endcase
>Thisform.r_numfld = l_numfld
>Thisform.r_fldlen = l_fldlen
>Dimension a_head[1]
>a_head = ""
>l_firstchr = 1
>l_lastchr = 1
>l_numfld = 0
>l_headlen = 0
>Do WHILE l_lastchr <= LEN(p_headers)
>	l_numfld = l_numfld+1
>	Dimension a_head[l_numfld]
>	If AT(",",p_headers,l_numfld)>0
>		l_lastchr=AT(",",p_headers,l_numfld)-1
>	Else
>		l_lastchr = LEN(p_headers)+1
>	Endif
>	a_head[l_numfld]=ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(p_headers,;
>		l_firstchr,l_lastchr-l_firstchr+1))
>	If AT(",",p_headers,l_numfld)>0
>		l_firstchr=AT(",",p_headers,l_numfld)+1
>	Else
>		l_firstchr = LEN(p_headers)
>	Endif
>With THISFORM.grdsearch
>	.COLUMNCOUNT = l_numfld
>For l_indx = 1 to l_numfld
>	l_col="thisform.grdsearch.column"+;
>		ltrim(str(l_indx))
>	With &l_col
>		.controlsource=(thisform.r_flds[l_indx])
>		l_fldname=thisform.r_alias+"."+thisform.r_flds[l_indx]
>		Do CASE
>		Case type("&l_fldname") = "N"
>			lcsub = ALLTRIM(STR(&l_fldname))
>		Case type("&l_fldname") = "L"
>			lcsub = IIF(&l_fldname,"T","F")
>		Case type("&l_fldname") = "C"
>			lcsub = &l_fldname
>		Endcase
>		mylen = 'cw' + str(l_indx,1)
>		If len(lcsub) > &mylen
>			Len(lcsub)
>*!*				.width=round((len(lcsub)/l_fldlen)*l_grdwidth,0)
>		Else
>			.width=&mylen
>*!*				.width=round((&mylen/l_fldlen)*l_grdwidth,0)
>		Endif
>		.readonly = .t.
>	Endwith
>	l_head = l_col+".header1"
>	With &l_head
>		.caption = (a_head[l_indx])
>	Endwith
>* Scroll down 3 lines so the initial selection is not at the top of the grid.
>****Activate Method******
>* Do not want Activate class code to run in pLookUp
>Thisform.caption =  "Search: "
>*!*	dodefault()
>*!*	mainmenu.wincount = mainmenu.wincount -1
>*!*	*** decrease the windows count
>Hope you find a clue
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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