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27/07/2003 02:33:44
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Good morning to you David and happy Monday;

Excellent points! Too bad all of us cannot sit down and discuss this in more detail.

Remember that story that was released in the early 1970’s about the distribution of wealth? It came to be after it was reported that 5% of the Americans owned 95% of the wealth of the nation. It was suggested that if all monies in the nation were evenly distributed to each individual that within 5 years the same 5% of Americans would own 95% of the nations wealth.

Capitalism may become an outmoded economic model one of these days. Socialism of the Inca Civilization worked for the benefit of the rulers and people. The Europeans destroyed that concept. It seems like any civilization or economic system that involves the betterment of the masses will not last.

With Capitalism it is the greatest margin for the least investment.

As far as labor is concerned I am always reminded of the Irish song about the “Hiring Fair”.

It seems that a young man was out of work and looking for a job and went to a local hiring fair. At the fair he met a farmer who offered him work, a place to sleep and food to eat. So the young man took the farmer up on his offer.

The young man could not get any food to eat as the 12 children of the farmer got to the table first and left nothing. Soon his bones were showing through his skin. He complained to the farmer that he was not getting any food and the farmer replied, “When you die there are more standing in line ready to replace you”!

Business has many means to protect itself such as but not limited to insurance, corporate lawyers, laws, political payoffs and a number of other institutions and techniques. Workers have benevolent companies (there have been a few historically – but all too few) unions, laws and public opinion. Give the worker just enough to get by.

Have you ever read the book by Upton Sinclair, “The Jungle”? That is an interesting bit of reading and has an explanation about a part of American labor and management in action. The incidents that occurred which inspired the book took place 100 years ago.

Today rather than hire workers from Europe going further and further east to obtain a cheaper source of labor, we outsource the work.

By the way the term “company store” is a part of all this American labor topic.

When all workers within the world have no more than a bowl of rice to eat as payment for a full days work then corporations will be happy. That bowl of rice must be just enough for you to survive and be able to do another days biding for your employer.

Working 24/7 is not a big deal. Remember there are many more who are unemployed waiting for you to drop dead so they can have a chance to survive. Corporations will have succeeded.


>The boycotting of grocery chains by suburban housewives because of 'high' prices, in the 1960s, proved 2 things:
>1. The consumer COULD make themselves heard and get results.
>2. After they flex their muscles a couple of times, they become, as the Great Middle Class always does, complacent.
>I must point out to you gentlemen that the calibur of thinking on this subject, in this forum, is significantly higher than the 'average' American undertakes. And my speculation would be that it is higher than the 'average' person in ANY country.
>I have lived and worked in 'average' conditions all my life. I have been involved with numerous small and medium sized business (AND I've worked in businesses that did direct interaction with WALMART, right here at the main offices in Bentonville), and my take on the motive of the 'average' person, be they consumer or business owner/CEO is that the whole thing is a GAME that THEY want to win. There is NO thought that goes ANYWHERE Near as deep as this duscussion thread....Only the notion that 'getting a good deal' is somehow attainable WITHOUT any consequences, or at least any SERIOUS consequences.
>The 'Philosopher King' of the business world may exist, but he will be a RARE bird indeed. The 'common' mind set of the business world is to make as much money as possible ALL THE TIME. ALL thoughts and actions serve that end. And, I think, MOST business Heads are cumpulsive and extreem in their focus of that end.
>In the end, the discussion of economics, perhaps, comes down to the differences between 'Making A Living', and 'Making Money'. The 'average' person has no REAL mechanism for Making Money, all the while the Popular and now Universal Notion is that Making Money is the 'good' thing to do, and if everyone is doing it, all over the world, at the same time, then Nobody will REALLY get hurt, at least not for very long. So just how do you Make Money at an hourly, or even salaried, job?
>My bias is, of course, a result of the people I know and have known, having lived in the 2nd poorest county in the 2nd poorest state in America for 25 years. That is not to say that I am not traveled, or that I don't have 'Friends in the Real World'. It's just that the Noble sentiments and intellectualizations presented in this current thread appear to be talking about, but have completely overshot, just what THOSE PEOPLE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT actually THINK ABOUT THIS WHOLE ISSUE. I assure you it has NOTHING to do with 'Global' perspective. They don't understand much more about economics than 'will they make ends meet' this week or this month. Intelligence is not the issue, rather, the pressing Realities that we find ourselves forced to focus our intelligence on.
>When a 'Thing' gathers sufficient mass and inertia, the amount of Energy required to Change the direction of that Thing can become greater than the available resource pool of expendable energy. Sadly, I see 'Business' as having achieved That mass and enertia. So, while Change is Always Possible, the likelyhood of Change occuring via the vector of 'The People' becomes Less Plausible over time. Perhaps This is the "Law of ism's"....Capitalism, Communism, Socialism......they ALL seem to get Bogged Down eventually, good or bad.

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