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Specify printer tray or bin to print report to programma
31/07/2003 12:12:02
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Visual FoxPro
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You're welcome. Also thanks to Simon for sharing his implementation of it. I've seen threads posted on the UT for this functionality, so we are not alone in needing this capability I'm sure.

>Thank you for sharing the code. Finally I have this procedure too.
>>Thanks so much Yuri. Now I know that as long as I cleanup the code and add error handling the api should work on all OS's. I'll incorporate it differently in our app of course, but the quickie screen was a good test for functionality on OS's I think. Our clients currently have a range of different OS's from Win95 to WinXP...
>>>Additionally, it works under Windows98 and Windows95, I tested it with VFP6 exe file.
>>>However it gives me an error on the line
>>>if ALEN(p_bin_names,1)=ALEN(p_bin_labels,1)
>>>for printer having p_bin_count=0 because array p_bin_names was not created. So I modified the code a little bit inserting the second if_code_endif into the if p_bin_count=0..., and it was OK. Did not check the code thoroughly though.
>>>>Thanks for testing it on VFP in NT Yuri. I appreciate it!
>>>>>It works for me in VFP5/VFP6/VFP7 under Windows NT.
>>>>>Only what I did, I moved the following line to the init event.
>>>>>Thisform.List1.RowSource = 'LEFT(trays.pname,45)+" "+left(trays.pbin,20)+" "+LEFT(trays.pbinno,20)+" "+LEFT(trays.pport,10)'
>>>>>>Thanks to Simon's generous sharing of his code, I am able to select a paper tray for all printers now. This works in Windows XP using VFP8. Can anyone think of any reason why it would not work in previous versions of windows or previous versions of VFP? Anyone willing to test this code using Win95/98/2K?
>>>>>>*Courtesy of Simon Clark, Universal Thread, July 2003
>>>>>>*put a DEFAULTSOURCE=<bin number> in the EXPR column
>>>>>>*of the FRX row with OBJTYPE=53 after selection
>>>>>>DEFINE CLASS papertrayform AS form
>>>>>>	Top = 0
>>>>>>	Left = 1
>>>>>>	Height = 365
>>>>>>	Width = 631
>>>>>>	DoCreate = .T.
>>>>>>	Caption = "Paper Tray Selection Form"
>>>>>>	Name = "PAPERTRAYS"
>>>>>>	DIMENSION paperbins[1,4]
>>>>>>	ADD OBJECT list1 AS listbox WITH ;
>>>>>>		FontName = "Courier New", ;
>>>>>>		FontSize = 9, ;
>>>>>>		BoundColumn = 1, ;
>>>>>>		RowSourceType = 6, ;
>>>>>>		RowSource = 'LEFT(trays.pname,45)+"  "+left(trays.pbin,20)+"  "+LEFT(trays.pbinno,20)+"  "+LEFT(trays.pport,10)', ;
>>>>>>		ControlSource = "m.selection", ;
>>>>>>		Height = 300, ;
>>>>>>		ColumnLines = .T., ;
>>>>>>		Left = 8, ;
>>>>>>		MultiSelect = .F., ;
>>>>>>		TabIndex = 10, ;
>>>>>>		Top = 39, ;
>>>>>>		Width = 612, ;
>>>>>>		Name = "List1"
>>>>>>	ADD OBJECT label1 AS label WITH ;
>>>>>>		Caption = "Press <ENTER> to select a paper tray or Double-Click on any item to select it", ;
>>>>>>		Height = 17, ;
>>>>>>		Left = 8, ;
>>>>>>		Top = 11, ;
>>>>>>		Width = 580, ;
>>>>>>		Name = "Label1"
>>>>>>	PROCEDURE buf2word
>>>>>>		*PROCEDURE SYLSTLEN_buf2word && Convert BUF to WORD
>>>>>>		PARAMETERS QQbuffer
>>>>>>		* ---INTERFACE---
>>>>>>		* IMPORTS:
>>>>>>		*   A buffer/pointer
>>>>>>		*
>>>>>>		* EXPORTS:
>>>>>>		*   The passed in buffer converted to a word format
>>>>>>		*
>>>>>>		* ---INITIALISE---
>>>>>>		QQudfRet    = ASC(SUBSTR(QQbuffer, 1,1)) + ASC(SUBSTR(QQbuffer, 2,1)) * 256
>>>>>>		RETURN QQudfRet
>>>>>>	ENDPROC
>>>>>>	PROCEDURE Init
>>>>>>		IF USED('trays')
>>>>>>			USE IN trays
>>>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>>>		IF FILE('trays.dbf')
>>>>>>			DELETE FILE trays.dbf
>>>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>>>		CLEAR
>>>>>>		DODEFAULT()
>>>>>>		*For the FRX's it easy, you just put a DEFAULTSOURCE=<bin number> in the EXPR column
>>>>>>		*of the FRX row with OBJTYPE=53 (same for DUPLEX= by the way...).
>>>>>>		#DEFINE GMEM_FIXED   0
>>>>>>		#DEFINE DC_PAPERS     2
>>>>>>		#DEFINE DC_BINS       6
>>>>>>		#DEFINE DC_SIZE       8
>>>>>>		#DEFINE DC_VERSION    10
>>>>>>		#DEFINE DC_BINNAMES   12
>>>>>>		* Needed to interrogate the printer driver for paper bins/trays
>>>>>>		DECLARE INTEGER DeviceCapabilities IN winspool.drv;
>>>>>>		STRING pDevice, STRING pPort, INTEGER fwCapability,;
>>>>>>		STRING @pOutput, INTEGER pDevMode
>>>>>>		=APRINTERS(pPrinters)
>>>>>>		FOR ip = 1 TO ALEN(pPrinters,1)
>>>>>>			*QQprintername=SET("PRINTER",2) && windows own default printer
>>>>>>			QQprintername=pPrinters(ip,1)
>>>>>>			pPort=ALLTRIM(pPrinters(ip,2))
>>>>>>			*   Windows API declarations
>>>>>>			* Hook in here to determine the paper trays and their bin numbers
>>>>>>			* Update the GVoPrintJob object with the results
>>>>>>			QQbinBfr   = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 16384)
>>>>>>			QQbinBf2   = REPLICATE(CHR(0), 1024)
>>>>>>			* provide valid printer and port names
>>>>>>			*	pPort="HPJD1"
>>>>>>			QQnCount = DeviceCapabilities(QQprintername, pPort, DC_BINNAMES, @QQbinBfr, 0)
>>>>>>			QQnCnt2  = DeviceCapabilities(QQprintername, pPort, DC_BINS, @QQbinBf2, 0)
>>>>>>			*    QQnCount = DeviceCapabilities(QQprintername, "LPT1", DC_BINNAMES, @QQbinBfr, 0)
>>>>>>			*    QQnCnt2  = DeviceCapabilities(QQprintername, "LPT1", DC_BINS, @QQbinBf2, 0)
>>>>>>			* Set the number of bins available on this printer property
>>>>>>			p_bin_count=IIF(QQnCount<0, 0, QQnCount)
>>>>>>			*GVoPrintJob.p_bin_count = iif(QQnCount<0, 0, QQnCount)
>>>>>>			*    if GVoPrintJob.p_Bin_Count > 0
>>>>>>			IF p_bin_count>0
>>>>>>				* each string buffer is 24 characters long, terminated with a NULL / chr(0)
>>>>>>				* and contains the name of a paper bin
>>>>>>				*dimension GVoPrintJob.p_bin_names[QQnCount], GVoPrintJob.p_bin_labels[QQnCount]
>>>>>>				DIMENSION p_bin_names[QQnCount], p_bin_labels[QQnCount]
>>>>>>				FOR QQindex=1 TO QQnCount
>>>>>>					QQbinName = SUBSTR(QQbinBfr, (QQindex-1)*24+1, 24) + CHR(0)
>>>>>>					QQbinName = SUBSTR(QQbinName, 1, AT(CHR(0), QQbinName)-1)
>>>>>>					*GVoPrintJob.
>>>>>>					p_bin_names[QQindex] = QQbinName
>>>>>>				ENDFOR
>>>>>>				QQptr   = 1
>>>>>>				FOR QQindex=1 TO QQnCnt2*2 STEP 2
>>>>>>					QQbinNum = THISFORM.buf2word(SUBSTR(QQbinBf2, QQindex, 2))
>>>>>>					*            GVoPrintJob.p_bin_labels[QQptr] = QQbinNum
>>>>>>					p_bin_labels[QQptr] = QQbinNum
>>>>>>					QQptr   = QQptr + 1
>>>>>>				ENDFOR
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>			IF ALEN(p_bin_names,1)=ALEN(p_bin_labels,1)
>>>>>>				FOR i = 1 TO ALEN(p_bin_names,1)
>>>>>>					IF TYPE('thisform.paperbins')="U"
>>>>>>						DIMENSION THISFORM.paperbins(i,4)
>>>>>>					ELSE
>>>>>>						DIMENSION THISFORM.paperbins(ALEN(THISFORM.paperbins,1)+1,4)
>>>>>>					ENDIF
>>>>>>					THISFORM.paperbins(ALEN(THISFORM.paperbins,1),1)=QQprintername
>>>>>>					THISFORM.paperbins(ALEN(THISFORM.paperbins,1),2)=p_bin_names(i)
>>>>>>					THISFORM.paperbins(ALEN(THISFORM.paperbins,1),3)=p_bin_labels(i)
>>>>>>					THISFORM.paperbins(ALEN(THISFORM.paperbins,1),4)=pPort
>>>>>>				ENDFOR
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>		ENDFOR
>>>>>>		*SET STEP ON
>>>>>>		*	LIST MEMORY LIKE p_bin_names
>>>>>>		*	LIST MEMORY LIKE p_bin_labels
>>>>>>		*	LIST MEMORY LIKE thisform.paperbins
>>>>>>		nlen1=0
>>>>>>		nlen2=0
>>>>>>		nlen3=4
>>>>>>		nlen4=0
>>>>>>		=ACOPY(THISFORM.paperbins,paperbins)
>>>>>>		FOR i = 1 TO ALEN(paperbins,1)
>>>>>>			IF TYPE('paperbins(i,1)')<>"L"
>>>>>>				IF LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,1)))>nlen1
>>>>>>					nlen1=LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,1)))
>>>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>			IF TYPE('paperbins(i,2)')<>"L"
>>>>>>				IF LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,2)))>nlen2
>>>>>>					nlen2=LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,2)))
>>>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>		*!*		IF TYPE('paperbins(i,3)')<>"L"
>>>>>>		*!*			IF LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,3)))>nlen3
>>>>>>		*!*				nlen3=LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,3)))
>>>>>>		*!*			ENDIF
>>>>>>		*!*		ENDIF
>>>>>>			IF TYPE('paperbins(i,4)')<>"L"
>>>>>>				IF LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,4)))>nlen4
>>>>>>					nlen4=LEN(ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,4)))
>>>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>		ENDFOR
>>>>>>		IF nlen1=0
>>>>>>			nlen1=1
>>>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>>>		IF nlen2=0
>>>>>>			nlen2=1
>>>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>>>		IF nlen4=0
>>>>>>			nlen4=1
>>>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>>>		CREATE CURSOR trays (pname c(nlen1), pbin c(nlen2), pbinno c(nlen3), pPort c(nlen4))
>>>>>>		SELE trays
>>>>>>		FOR i = 1 TO ALEN(paperbins,1)
>>>>>>			IF TYPE('paperbins(i,1)')<>"L"
>>>>>>				SELE trays
>>>>>>				APPEND BLANK
>>>>>>		*!*			IF i > 1
>>>>>>		*!*				ta=i-1
>>>>>>		*!*				IF TYPE('paperbins(i,1)')=TYPE('paperbins(ta,1)') .and. paperbins(i,1) <> paperbins(ta,1)
>>>>>>		*!*					REPLACE trays.pname WITH ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,1))
>>>>>>		*!*				ELSE
>>>>>>		*!*					IF TYPE('paperbins(i,1)')!=TYPE('paperbins(ta,1)')
>>>>>>		*!*				 		REPLACE trays.pname WITH ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,1))
>>>>>>		*!*					ENDIF
>>>>>>		*!*				ENDIF
>>>>>>		*!*			ENDIF
>>>>>>				REPLACE trays.pname WITH ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,1))
>>>>>>				IF TYPE('paperbins(i,2)')<>"L"
>>>>>>					REPLACE trays.pbin WITH ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,2))
>>>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>>>				IF TYPE('paperbins(i,3)')<>"L"
>>>>>>					REPLACE trays.pbinno WITH ALLTRIM(STR(paperbins(i,3)))
>>>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>>>				IF TYPE('paperbins(i,4)')<>"L"
>>>>>>					REPLACE trays.pPort WITH ALLTRIM(paperbins(i,4))
>>>>>>				ENDIF
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>		ENDFOR
>>>>>>		GO TOP
>>>>>>	ENDPROC
>>>>>>	ENDPROC
>>>>>>	PROCEDURE list1.DblClick
>>>>>>				mchoice=trays.pbinno
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>			MESSAGEBOX('You chose: '+CHR(13)+CHR(13);
>>>>>>				+"Printer: "+ALLTRIM(trays.pname)+ CHR(13);
>>>>>>				+"Tray: "+trays.pbin+CHR(13);
>>>>>>				+"Bin No: "+trays.pbinno+CHR(13),0,'Paper Tray Selectioin')
>>>>>>			NODEFAULT
>>>>>>	ENDPROC
>>>>>>	PROCEDURE list1.KeyPress
>>>>>>		LPARAMETERS nKeyCode, nShiftAltCtrl
>>>>>>		IF LASTKEY() = 13 .or. LASTKEY() = -9
>>>>>>			nKeyCode = 13
>>>>>>			nShiftAltCtrl = 0
>>>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>>>		mchoice=""
>>>>>>		DO CASE
>>>>>>		CASE nKeyCode = 13 .or. nkeyCode = -9
>>>>>>				mchoice=trays.pbinno
>>>>>>			ENDIF
>>>>>>			MESSAGEBOX('You chose: '+CHR(13)+CHR(13);
>>>>>>				+"Printer: "+ALLTRIM(trays.pname)+ CHR(13);
>>>>>>				+"Tray: "+trays.pbin+CHR(13);
>>>>>>				+"Bin No: "+trays.pbinno+CHR(13),0,'Paper Tray Selectioin')
>>>>>>			NODEFAULT
>>>>>>			mchoice=""
>>>>>>			DODEFAULT()
>>>>>>		ENDCASE
>>>>>>	ENDPROC
>>>>>>	PROCEDURE list1.Refresh
>>>>>>		IF !USED('trays') .OR. RECCOUNT('trays')=0
>>>>>>			THIS.ENABLED=.F.
>>>>>>		ELSE
>>>>>>			THIS.ENABLED=.T.
>>>>>>		ENDIF
>>>>>>		DODEFAULT()
>>>>>>	ENDPROC

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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