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Recall election in California
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We've got enegry pricing problems here and it has nothing to do with regulations preventing the growth of capacity but has lots to do with fixed pricing for in-province generated electricity and 'spot rates' for "imported" electricity. So corps. that had generating capacity out-province and nearby bought generation facilities here then promptly put them into "maintenance" (shut down for repair, upgrade, whatever) causing a shortage that is nicely addressed by spot-rate importation from THEIR out-province plants. Underhanded and immoral in my opinion despite being a clear and simple "business decision".

Now it seems to me that in CA there have been proofs of 'fixed' control software that favoured importation and convictions of ENRON people for (mis)playing the system for illegal gains. None of those things, it turned out, had much to do with regulation preventing building capacity and I understand that prices have stabilized since the (criminal and immoral) discoveries.
I also understand that the industry 'won' anyways because before the irregularities were discovered/confirmed regulations were loosened and now lots more generation capacity is available or on the way.

>Wasn't the primary reason for the energy problems in California due to the fact that the state made it very difficult to build new power plants? Also, I thought I heard on the radio that Davis knee about the huge budget deficeit before the election but decided to keep quiet about it. Any truth to it?
>>As you may have heard we are having a recall election for governor in California. Such a mess! The concept of recall after being elected 7 months ago seems strange. In reality it is a number of republicans who are not satisfied with a democrat in office.
>>The republicans do not like Gray Davis. When California had serious energy problems and went to first the source and then the Federal Government, he received no help. Davis spoke out against the power companies in Texas and the Presidents lack of interest, by making very pointed comments, which were later proven to be true. Davis said we were also overcharged for power and has recovered billions of dollars in overcharges. Would a republican have done those things? Hail to the chief – hail yes! (Shades of brother Dave Gardner – a comedian from the south)
>>Too bad politicians are typically more interested in towing the party line rather then representing those who elected him or her. It is not a matter of law or fairness – it is power and what you can get away with that counts.
>>Getting back to the upcoming recall election for governor in California, Larry Flint (Hustler magazine) has officially entered his name as a democratic candidate! I am getting sick! As if the state, nation and world do not have enough problems!
>>We are told the recall election will cost $65 million – just what we do not need – additional costs.
>>I have a suggestion about recall elections! According to California law it takes a certain minimum number of legal signatures to have a recall. Why not have another group with clipboards getting qualified signatures to not have a recall? It would be a bit less expensive and the results would be quicker. If the majority of signatures do not want a recall then there will be none. If the majority of signatures want a recall then Larry Flint is in. :) (Sick)

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