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Is this buglist true
01/09/2003 18:39:43
General information
Visual FoxPro
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Well, if it is accurate then either:

1. An official beta tester has violated their NDA
2. Someone has a pirated copy of the list.

In other words, there is no way of saying if it is correct or not until MS either confirms or denies the list or the NDA is lifted for those beta testing the SP.

>Hi All,
>i saw the buglist on tek-tips.com with below link . is there 73 bug no VFP8 ?
>1. Path set in Tools | Options and saved as default not
> persisted in later VFP sessions.
>2. Form control menu has incorrect hotkeys under NT4
>3. Grid - HighlightForeColor appears white when set to black
>4. Error "fields are incompatible" using SELECT ... UNION
> with Fox 2x table
>5. ODBC: Invalid error message when trying to set an invalid
> property in SQL Server.
>6. SET NOTIFY CURSOR OFF makes _TALLY behave as if additive
>7. Combobox - Value with & adds second & to value
>8. Grid: C5 when showing a grid with a few text columns if
> AccEvent is enable (OBJ_SHOW)
>9. Label - Setting caption = built in property (like tag) with
> no value gives "There is not enough memory to complete this
> operation" error
>10. Incorrect SQL JOIN syntax does not always cause error, sometimes
> brings back incorrect results if tables are already open
>11. Error with COM Codebook app in COM+ package
>12. INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... doesnt respect
> WHERE clause.
>13. Add functionality to handle update conflict in CursorAdapter.
>14. SEEK with ORDER DESCENDING clause does not navigate to correct
> record with SET NEAR ON
>15. Add new bit into TABLEVALIDATE to suppress "file is in use ..."
> error for TABLEVALIDATE=1.
>16. Fatal exception with View Definition or Look Up Reference in stored
> procedure editor context menu
>17. Combobox - Selection does not work correctly with rowsource of over
> about 512 items
>18. Fatal exception dimensioning object array property to > 32767 elements
>19. RI Builder throws a 'Missing expression' Error
>20. Error 114 ("Index does not match the table...") when doing TABLEUPDATE()
> on SPT cursor and using REINDEX command
>21. "Unknown name" error calling method from 2nd server instantiated
> in single MTDLL under COM+
>22. C0000005 fatal exception error refreshing edit box with character
> field as controlsource
>23. SEEK Finds Old and New Data With Optimistic Buffering
>24. SQL: UPDATE and DELETE are not Rushmore optimized if target table has
> table buffered changes.
>25. GRID and CursorAdapter - error is shown twice and form is closed unexpectedly.
>26. Pageframe - Fatal exception closing form after clicking on page
> with pageorder set
>27. Form - F5 does not trigger form KeyPress if form.closable = .F.
>28. Passing array by ref to ADO Recordset AddNew gives "The class
> file () associated
> with this field cannot be found..." error
>29. "Record is not in index" error in SCAN, or while skipping
> through records
>30. ODBC connection is not disconnected when idle timeout has elapsed.
>31. CursorAdapter fails to pass empty string as parameter for ADODB.
> Command object when provider fails to populate Parameters collection.
>32. Memory leak with INSERT - SQL or UPDATE - SQL which cause errors
>33. Report Designer - Close box does not show under NT4 when preview
> window is maximized
>34. Error message from Install Sheild Express when building setup if
> setup project contains both and Merge Modules (MSM)
>35. VFPOLEDB - SET ENGINEBEHAVIOR affects all connections for the same client.
>36. VFPOLEDB - a command execution is serialized across all processes.
>37. Memory leak with SQLEXEC() passing paramters by ref
>38. Make provider read ENGINEBEHAVIOR and TABLEVALIDATE settings from CONFIG.FPW
>39. It is possible to call TABLEREVERT for CursorAdapter while TABLEUPDATE
> is being executed.
>40. COPY TO Command with > 255 Fields crashes VFP 7.0 and reports misleading
> error in VFP 8.0
>41. CFGInitFailed() in vfpoledb.dll shows MessageBox.
>42. SET TABLEVALIDATE TO sets TABLEVALIDATE setting to incorrect value
>43. CursorAdapter - non-batched update fails for UpdateType=2 if ODBC driver
> or OLEDB provider don't support batched execution.
>44. CursorAdapter (ADO) - a failure to update backend table in TABLEUPDATE
> causes subsequent TABLEUPDATE to fail.
>45. SQL Pass-Through Asynchronous Batch mode is broken.
>46. TABLEVALIDATE=2 doesn't report an error when record count is one less than
> it should be, new record overrides existing data.
>47. Fatal exception error when program cache is filled
>48. SQLGETPROP() leaks memory (one handle per call)
>49. Memory leak in VFPOLEDB
>50. Servers: Returning untyped member array fails
>51. Watson dialog can appear multiple times with some crashes, there should be
> no possibility of this
>52. Mem leak in list box RowsourceType=8
>53. VFPOLEDB uses single thread model for class factories.
>54. VFPOLEDB - InterlockedCompareExchange and InterlockedExchangeAdd don't use
> multithreaded protection.
>55. VFPOLEDB - IDBCreateSessionImpl::CreateSession doesn't check return value from
> IID_IObjectWithSite::SetSite (causes C5).
>56. TABLEUPDATE() doesn't commit insert into local cursor if Buffering=5 and
> record is changed in AfterInsert event.
>57. Arrowing between page tabs in a Themed form with Pageframe.TabOrientation=2
> causes memory leak and ultimately crashes
>58. _Screen - Fatal exception minimizing then restoring IDE after adding then
> releasing hook on _screen.resize()
>59. "Table has no index order set" error on select from view when aliased twice
>60. "Index does not match the table" error on SPT cursor with GO TOP after
>61. Grid -AllowCellSelection=.f. disables Cancel property of commandbutton
>62. Fatal exception on DO FORM command after editing class
>63. AddProperty() method sets value of existing property to .F.
> when new value not passed
>64. Grid not refreshed if on a nonactive page of a pageframe
>65. "Variable not found" or "data type is invalid for this property" error when
> caption property references variable not in scope
>66. Grid - Columns display improperly with RightToLeft = .T.
> at design and runtime
>67. Taskpane - Fatal exception when Community pane cannot connect to web service
> when using startup program
>68. Changes in error message and number with unbalanced
> INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM statements
>69. SPT - Shared connection fails to pass parameter, shared connection
> fails to execute statement in async mode.
>70. Form gives error at design and run time if prop value references method
> of object not in scope
>71. Caption of ="" shows object name as caption rather than blank caption
>72. Fatal exception after changing value in Locals window for property of
> closed modal form
>73. SQLSTRINGCONNECT() reports an error, should show connection dialog
Craig Berntson
MCSD, Microsoft .Net MVP, Grape City Community Influencer

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