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>Also those innocent victims who have died from AIDS because their trustworthy partner (referring to hetero here) were not so trustworthy afterall I guess are responsible because they loved and trusted someone who made the wrong lifestyle choice?
>Just thought I'd point out that the parens aren't necessary. Someone in a gay monogomous (sp?) relationship who isn't told the partner's condition would be just as innocent. Or what if the partner didn't know, either?
>It's a disease, a horrible disease, one that I'm lucky to have never seen anyone suffer from. Unless someone deliberately infects themself or others, I see no reason to blame them for their condition, even if they engaged in risky behaviour. I get into my car every day knowing how many people die in car accidents. If someone smashes into me, is it my fault for getting in the car? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's a good idea to engage in risky behaviour. I just don't like the distinction that if someone gets it from a transfusion that they're a poor innocent victim, but if they get it for having gay sex or being addicted to drugs that, well, it's just their own damn fault then.


There is a prominent group in my area that believes that you should be allowed to live whatever life style you wish. Society owes it to some members of this group to cure Aids so there is no risk to their behavior. They are extremely vocal.

By the way I am fourth generation San Franciscan, and was born and raised in the Eureka Valley of the City. It was an Irish Catholic neighborhood and now reflects a different population base, that receives international attention.

If others contract Aids through transfusions, etc. then they are victims. Victims are always at fault. They should prevent becoming victims and thus will be excluded from involvement. Victims are created for many reasons. Most victims do not look for problems. The problem with being a victim is that the odds are against you being as you were before any incident occurred putting you in such a status. Basically, no one cares or those that do have little control over making you whole and preventing such things from recurring.

I lost my cousin Daniel and my friend Bob to Aids. I miss them both and wish they had made better decisions.

There is no such thing as “Safe Sex”. Such activity has consequences regardless of who is involved.

To better explain myself on the above topic would take a very long conversation. I hope I have not offended someone as a few words can not fully explain with adequacy ones thoughts and experiences.


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