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Sex in the Holy City
10/10/2003 14:34:31
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Blame will not solve the problem. No one wants to acknowledge there is a major problem with not only Aids but the way it is perceived by various elements of society and treated by politics.

If I stuck my hand into a hive full of Bees and got stung, should I say that I am not at fault? Someone somewhere has responsibility for his or her actions. Who might that be? It must be the Bee's fault as I just love honey!

Perhaps the following is true to some extent:

1. The individual who engages in sexual activity is just enjoying him/herself and is driven by a primitive urge that cannot be controlled.

2. Society owes it to the individual to allow him/her to engage in any activity desired.

3. Blood contaminated by Aids is not the responsibility of the Blood Bank.

4. Contaminated needles are the responsibility of the drug addict.

There can be multiple correct answers depending upon your point of view.


>Hi Michelle,
>I only specified in parens to make a point in response to Tom's post that no matter where or how you contract it, it is terrible. I was in fact, specifying that no matter what one's life choices are, AIDS is a terrible disease and no one can be blamed for having it regardless. If you read both messages that should be clear.
>>Also those innocent victims who have died from AIDS because their trustworthy partner (referring to hetero here) were not so trustworthy afterall I guess are responsible because they loved and trusted someone who made the wrong lifestyle choice?
>>Just thought I'd point out that the parens aren't necessary. Someone in a gay monogomous (sp?) relationship who isn't told the partner's condition would be just as innocent. Or what if the partner didn't know, either?
>>It's a disease, a horrible disease, one that I'm lucky to have never seen anyone suffer from. Unless someone deliberately infects themself or others, I see no reason to blame them for their condition, even if they engaged in risky behaviour. I get into my car every day knowing how many people die in car accidents. If someone smashes into me, is it my fault for getting in the car? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's a good idea to engage in risky behaviour. I just don't like the distinction that if someone gets it from a transfusion that they're a poor innocent victim, but if they get it for having gay sex or being addicted to drugs that, well, it's just their own damn fault then.

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