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The Supermarket Strike - coming to your neighborhood
15/10/2003 13:23:09
15/10/2003 13:00:16
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Yup. And what was Wall Street's reaction when they abandoned the "buy American" policy... high praise for higher profits!
That textile plants and clothing plants and shoe making plants and < you name it > plants all shut down or moved offshore was just 'the natural cycle' and all was/is good with the world (of economics).

Maytag is leaving its roots and moving out of country. Hundreds of jobs lost and thousands of workers (in related companies (as suppliers) or furnishing goods and services to Maytag and related workers) are in jeopardy. All for profit (or not enough of it) and all because competitors moved away first giving them lower prices than Maytag. This is a good thing? Especially when that off-shore washer is NOT priced at cost of production + reasonable profit but rather at just low enough to kill Maytag. It STINKS!!!


>When Walmart goes down at least it won't put any U.S. factories out of business because they quit the 'buy American' and 'made in America' campaign long ago...
>>Hmmm... Presidents Reagan, Bush(I), Clinton and Bush(II) have all said, in reference to things like free trade agreements and trade with China and such that "a rising tide raises all ships". Seems they forgot about ships docked in the U.S. (and our leaders forgot the Canadian ones docked here).
>>The media has been highly successful in portraying unions as greedy anachronisms which deserve extinction (do you think it might have something to do with their own union difficulties?). Meanwhile it is never mentioned that it takes TWO TO SIGN A NEW (union) CONTRACT! Somehow, in those things, management is always THE VICTIM!
>>That Walmart pays $10.00 per hour SHOULD reflect poorly on Walmart for exploiting people who could earn $17.00 per hour elsewhere. But somehow it gets twisted into greedy unions by the media, and we (the people) 'buy it'!!
>>With computerization now more prevalent than ever in grocery stores/warehouses, one would think that they ALL need MORE EDUCATED STAFFS thus deserving of more money compared to years gone by. But Walmart pays less and Wall Street applauds! Something is backwards here!
>>Wall Street has totally lost any sense of morality that it had prior to the demise of communism. It has now shifted to MONEY MONEY MONEY ONLY and in fact now exploits communism (China) and former communist countries.
>>It doesn't matter to Wall Street that we are headed to a society where all jobs here are a few (or one) dollars per hour and so NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO AFFORD THE THINGS THAT WALL STREET COMPANIES PRODUCE!! They see moving out and cutting wages as "smart" and good for business. They slough off the cumulative impact of these activities as 'isolated' and as ultimately being addressed by "the innovative spirit of America which has always come up with new businesses/products". They don't seem to comprehend that when everyone is being paid $1-$5 per hour and continues to drown in debt people will be too tired from working 3 MacJobs to have any time to think their way into new fields of endeavour.
>>Wall Street, through the media, is in full control of everything. They are collectively charting a course that will lower everyone to a common standard to continue to make HIGH profits. Once they reach saturation there will be no more profit to be made and then they will say 'oops, we goofed'. That people were shattered all along this miserable course will matter naught to them because it wil be just a business plan gone bad.
>>>With unemployment so high it seems that union workers could be out of a job. Why hire them back? Medical costs are rising. To be competitive you have to cut costs. I am sure that the executives will not loose benefits or have a salary reduction. Even though supermarkets are profitable they are not willing to share with employees. It is about greed and higher profits.
>>>Get the government to drop the minimum wage. Dissolve unions. Pay people $1 an hour with no benefits. Soon you will have takers for that $1 an hour job. People get hungry. This is the modern day version of Upton Sinclair’s book “The Jungle”. You owe everything to the company.

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