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Asp.net app on a LAN, data and app separated?
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Hi Cathi,

Presently I have the data tables on the same computer as the asp.net application. When I put the data tables on a different computer on the network and change the datapath to the other computer my asp.net application is denied access to the data. I understand the concept of no mapped drives and to use the unc.

My denied data path went like this: from c:\gmg\main to h:\gmg\main, where h: was my mapped drive. H: was c: drive on the other computer where I wanted to move the data to. So, I am suppose to drop the mapped h:\ drive and in place use \\SecondComputer\c$\gmg\main?

And ... how about which local user to give access to the data? When I run the asp.net application against local data I give the aspnet user, on the local computer, all the rights to read and write to c:\gmg\main. When I change the data path to \\SecondComputer\c$\gmg\main, which user do I give access rights to the data? Do I assign the second computer's ASPNET user access or is it more complicated than this?


happy new year

>I'm not sure I understand you question. You just need to change the data path to use UNC instead of a mapped drive.
>>Thank you Cathi.
>>I will try that after the holidays when I return to the office. How do I handle the user asp.net user stuff?
>>Enjoy your holidays. Thank you for a great productive development year.
>>Dr. G. (Neil)
>>>Hi Neil,
>>>You need to use a UNC path and not a mapped path to access the data on another machine.
>>>>I have 2 computers set up in a simple network. Computer 1 is the web server, which is running IS 5.0 and 1.1 .net framework.
>>>>I found a "How To" article on creating a custom account to run asp.net. I followed the instructions and changed the user to my new CustomASPNET user. ASP.NET runs just fine under the new user. All of the COM and DataBase reads and writes work fine.
>>>>I then created a CustomASPNET user on the 2nd computer and gave it the same password. I still cannot access the data on the 2nd computer.
>>>>I am connecting to foxpro free tables using vfpoledb. Please give an example of how to impersonate. The users are local to the given computer. I am not using domains.
>>>>In my web.config, the connection string is:
>>>>    <add key="Patient\Connection" value="Provider=vfpoledb.1;Data Source=c:\gmg\main\"/>
>>>>    <add key="Patient\DataAccessClass" value="DataAccessOLEDB" />
>>>> Changing Source=c:\gmg\main\ to h:\gmg\main, where h: is on the second computer, results in a runtime error: access denied.
>>>>Regards and thanx,
>>>>>Your post is somewhat unclear.
>>>>>1. What kind of data?
>>>>>2. How did you change the user from ASPNET?
>>>>>The short answer is to impersonate the aspnet user in the web.config to a windows user that you create on both machines, with rights to the proper areas.

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