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Which is best for Desktop Apps VFP?.NET
22/01/2004 19:33:47
19/12/2003 17:49:44
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Visual FoxPro
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Hey Mal,

I saw the residuals of the post but didn't know you posted the original. Anytime you do a VFP vs .Net post you're going to get JVP involved. He makes valid points, but when he and the other posters get into 'capabilities' collectively they take stuff waaaay off track.

I don't know how much maintenance you need to do on it or the innards of the app, but to rewrite just to use the CursorAdapter and Collection classes seems a bit much. Though they are both really cool new tools.

I'm working on a little tool to build CusrorAdapters that operate off of SQL stored procedures. I'm still working on it but let me know if your interested.

I noticed the orignal post came from last month. Let me know where you stand now as far as .net vs vfp as well as if you still are considering a rewrite. I got a pretty full schedule right now but either way I'll help as much as possible.



>Okay, this is the type of post I wanted to see!!!!
>Thank you, Bob.
>Though, now I'm back to where I started, you gave me an incentive take a closer look at .Net ... rather than take the easier route ... VFP.
>Again, thanks.
>>>Not sure what to make of your post.
>>>I'm, presently, interest in only desktop apps.
>>>Does your comment still apply?
>>Sure it does... as someone said to you, I can do some stuff in VFP in 3 lines of code, that would take 10 or 15 lines of code in .Net (of course VS.Net writes alot of that code for you.)
>>I just wanted to point out that it balances out with the things you can do in .Net in a few lines of code that would take ALOT of code in VFP. Or, is not even doable in VFP.
>>One case in point, and this is espesially relevent for Desktop apps is multi-threading. In a .Net app you could have backround processing, for example lets say printing. Your user wouldn't have to wait for a report to process cause it would be done on another thread. You can't do this in VFP at all!
>>You can use 'zero touch' deployment with .Net windows forms app. The app will look to see if there is a new version of the assembly it needs on the server, and if so, it will download it automatically. Sure, you could do it in VFP, but you would have to code it, .Net builds this in.
>>In .Net you can write your assemblys against a certain version of code, say your class libraries. Then you can update your class libraries to a new version, install it side-by-side on the machine with the old version, and deploy and app that uses the new version. No dll version hell.
>>.Net apps run in the CLR sand box, so the user can set permissions on what that app can do, so they don't have to worry about your app deleting critical stuff.
>>Other than the .Net runtime... your .NEt app doesn't even need to be installed. Just drop it into a folder on the pc, and launch the EXE. All of the settings and meta data are in the .DLL... no registry settings needed. If you do need that stuff an XML (text file) config file is there and you or your user can easily edit it as needed rather than fighting the registry.
>>>>>"many, many"?
>>>>>Didn't know that ... thanks.
>>>>Of course, there are alot of things you can do in .Net with 3 lines of code that you can't even do in VFP!!! (Well, you could with a few hundred lines of code and the Win32 api or a Win32 dll.)

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