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Why JVP is wrong - it's the developer stupid!
13/02/2004 02:39:45
Walter Meester
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Visual FoxPro
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America is a country still finding herself. You have to understand that the media and government not only have us fearing other nationalities, but fearing each other. We hide inside SUVs for hours - not moving anywhere - when public transportation would bring us to and from work in minutes. Fundalmentalists americans are "home schooling" their children. They fear their neighbors. In a given year, any big city in america will have more homicides than all of the european continent.

Despite the fact that we have a constitutional democracy, many of us fail to see a purpose in life or our place in the hive. Many of us think our leadership has some special understanding of the world that is beyond our grasp. Despite the "all men are created equal" clause in our bill of rights, many of us beleive that we don't have the capacity to direct our future, Many of us are comfortable being cows. The ring in our nose gives us comfort. We have succumed to a point of view that "lowend, consumer grade" possessions and frilly rough entertainment are more important than the future. Watching the war on CNN is a form of rough entertainment!

We all want to be under the glitter ball at the disco - not because we are born that way - but because the ruling class - the media - and other corporate interests constantly bombard us with messages instructing us that style is more important than substance. Two shiny pickups in the garage (and a P-Diddy necklace:-) are more important than the quality of life we should be assuring our descendants (and our neighbors descendents).

Nepotism - our secratary of state had his son appointed to the FCC (they dole out our bandwidth). Right now, two or three media conglomerates control most (if not all) the inforamtion passed down to us lowly hivers. COMCAST (research their affliations) is buyng up every available spec of MHz!

More Nepotism, our first family is involved in arms sales. Our vice second family is involved in defense procurement. Both families are involved in oil. Where's the vice squad?:-)

There is corruption on both sides of the divide (the so called right and left), but instead of focusing on our leadership and our country, we focus on our petty, divisive affiliations, our shiney pickup trucks and a weekend at the ball game - and complaining about JJ flashing her boobies. Our news is gossip. What's going on with Micheal? How about that Kobey? Check out Martha. Our media has become entertainment for the braindead:-). Some of us are fortunate enough to use the foreign press (like Canadian News!) and the internet in our search for facts. Whats the difference between the truth and a fact?

We're only a 150 years - or so - out of slavery. We have national leaders, like Tom Delay (from my area of the woods) boasting that they are Christian Zionists. A zionist is someone who beleives they are more righteous than the rest of us muggles, and that their inhumanity and coruption is ordained, if not demanded, by virtue and god.

Look at where we are today. Our leaders have back stepped from lies. Thousands, if not millions of innocents have departed. Haliburton and Carlyle Group are in charge, not our elected officials.

But - if you visit with individual american hive dwellers, you will find only grace and love. Our leadership does not reflect the heart of us hivers . It's hard to explain how things got this way. We are afraid to speak out - because we will be blacklisted or branded a traitor. We are afraid of each other because we have allowed our leadership to sell this fear.

We have our space program. We have gracious rich people (Bill Gates, Ted Turner). We have great VFP developers! We have graciuos poor people (like me!). But we also have fear and greed - look who we hired to sign the checks! Our identity has been hi-jacked - but, eventually, as always, we will get it back.

The corruption and fear mongering perpatrated by those at the top of the hive has been so outrageous that many of us are waking from our stupor and are reacting. Those that were on opposite sides are coming together. Things will change. Please don't confuse us everyday hive dwellers with our leadership or our controlled frilly media. We are beginning to find our voice. We are beginning to understand that all humanity is important. The pendulum is swinging, despite the medias attemps to hide it from us.

I should be working or something!

>I fully agree,
>As an european I simply don't understand the commotion. Nudity is considered fairly normal up here and we certainly don't understand the hypocritism of the US. It is allright to broadcast the most violent scenes, but.. oh my, when a few brests are shown on the screen little kids gets nightmares... and before we know it mr Bush will launch a campain against sex.
>I know this is off topic, but when I as an european look at the US I certainly get the impression that the average american has the brains of a peanut. They speak so high about human rights, but they don't realize they are violating that rule on numerous fronts (eg. the prisoning of al-quida soldiers), they attack a country with arguments that could not be proven and they knew it was likely false. The US citizens don't realize mr bush is just finishing the job of his father. Why iraq, while the're are much bigger issues like the palistinian question, north korea etc. DIRTY POLITICS !! How about the ever increasing depts of the american government? I know in the short term it is stimulating the economy, but you've got to pay the bill someday. Of course mr bush itself is going to pass the debts to the next one...
>And all they are taking about is the scandal of JJ showing her brest, and the resistance of GAY marriage.
>>In some countries, the human form is considered a work of art. Only in amerika do people confuse sex with a nudity. Only in amerika, killing and maiming is okay for children, but nudity is not.
>>I didn't see the super bowl and rarely watch US news - but JJ has a bod shaped by god! Why not? Elmer Fudd can kill wabits - Chuck Norris can kill anyone with dark skin - but JJ's booby is a no-no?
>>Hmmmm! I prefer the boobies:-)
>>>I watched the superbowl and it was clearly visible as well as the little star pasty she had stuck on as well. I didn't appreciate it one bit considering my 12 year old daughter was watching with me. She gasped and asked me "Can they do that on tv?" Who knows how many younger children were watching with their parents. She insists that it was all intentional or else Janet Jackson would not have been wearing a start sticker... My feelings are pretty simple: keep it off the tv and definitely keep it off of primetime or earlier programs. I really don't think the superbowl was rated for it (the vchip stuff) to allow parents to keep their children from viewing partial nudity if they wished. It was unexpected and should not be allowed unless the producers are willing to have their program rated for partial nudity. It is definitely not the most important issue today nor on the hot list period but it is definitely time they started enforcing fcc rules...
>>>Having said all of that I find it amazing that she is taking the majority of the slack for it and not Justin Timerlake who after all pulled off the clothing!
>>>>There's a store on Toronto's main drag with the letters "F", "C", "U" and "K" each about a foot (or more) tall on a big sign. It is a trademark.
>>>>I don't know if things were visible better on HDTV, but the Janet Jackson debacle, at least as seen on live regular TV, was merely a whitish spot that suggested that the breast might be visible. How the population of the U.S. has blown that so out of proportion is something to behold!
>>>>Now gay marriage is on the front burner. When are the PEOPLE going to get to things that are REALLY WORRISOME??? The media and your politicians can distract the PEOPLE at will. WMD non-existence is now a non-issue, loss of personal rights is now a non-issue, the pre-emption policy is now a non-issue. So many things that REALLY matter are relegated to the background for the sake of trivial matters that have little bearing on people's day-to-day lives.
>>>>>Yes. But it was implied and expressed clearly.
>>>>>>>Hi Elmer.
>>>>>>>I knew that. But I couldn't believe the "F" word went pass the screening process... if there is a screening process.
>>>>>>it didn't. if you look closely you'll see the f-word was never writen.
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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