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How to get the federal deficit under control
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>It is interesting to me that the Republican Platform states things about balanced budgets, no new taxes with reduced spending, less government and fewer government employees. If you look at the Republican Administrations since Nixon you will see a different reality.
>Nixon tried to micromanage the American economy with disastrous results. I remember Phase 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4 1/2. This was truly a joke. No price increases allowed. No salary increase for any employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Guess what? Prices rose and they froze salaries! Inflation went up and the Administration announced we had to have 6 % unemployment to end inflation.
>Reagan ran on a platform to embrace all the above and ended up doubling the national debt, increasing the size of government and many love him. He won the war in Grenada, ventured into Nicaragua, saved us from possible devastation with Star Wars, destroyed the Soviet Union and ended the Cold War single handily, and set up the invasion of Panama.

While I agree with you on Reagan and his fiscal policies, I due give him a large deal of credit for seeing the Soviet Union for what it was and having the courage to say it. Remember how he was criticized for calling it an "Evil Empire"? Well, wasn't it? I think historian will also give him a lot of credit for bringing it down.

>Reagan fired all FAA employees when they complained about unsafe conditions in our nations airways, obsolete equipment and long hours. A few days ago an FAA employee was expressing concern about guess what? Unsafe conditions in our nations airways, obsolete equipment and long hours. I am waiting for them to be fired. When in doubt deregulate so the rich get richer.

If I remember correctly, the air traffic controllers were fired for going on strike, which was apparently illegal.

>Bush The Elder had a similar track record and remember the term, “read my lips”? No new taxes! Sure. Many people loved Bush The Elder, who was also appointed President of the committee to deregulate the Savings and Loan Industry by then President Reagan. Anyone remember that? Well you should as we are still paying for it! Also many jobs were lost during his administration.

I do remember the "read my lips" line, but don't really know much about the Savigns and Loan scandal. Was that largely due to deregulation?

>Bush The Junior has increased the national debt and has us tied up in military ventures. He also has served as President while something interesting has occurred. The loss of millions of jobs is just one item of interest. This is justified, as “we are now more productive”!

I do in general agree with a strong defense, but can't agree with Bush's fiscal policies (i.e. tax cuts).

>In general Republican Presidents have done everything possible to reduce programs to those in need and look towards improving life in our country. The national debt has skyrocketed and continues to do so.
>Why is it the Republicans seem to increase the national debt but few if any improvements are seen in our own country? Even the potholes get worse in my area of the nation but we have to rebuild Iraq.

What amazes me is that Democrats are cast as tax and spend liberals, while Republicans are cast as fiscal conservatives. That they have managed to paint this picture and many Americans have bought it is amazing.

>Politics is an interesting subject. Remember my expression about politics in our country? The Democrats give the dog a bone and the Republicans take it away. We are the dogs and wag our tails to show our delight with how we are treated.

There is another saying that Democrats want a smaller military, but want to send it everywhere, while Republicans want a bigger military but want to send it nowhere. Of course, this changed after 9/11, but in general I agree with President Bush on his military decisions.
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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