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Build Automation for FoxPro
27/03/2004 17:53:34
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Visual FoxPro
Source Safe Control
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Hi Hank,

I want to automate getting the latest project updates from VSS by code (In a FoxPro PRG). Everytime there is a fix in a class library (VCX) that is used in multiple Exe (70 different exe), I find myself going in all the FoxPro Project and clicking "Update Project List" to get latest change from VSS and building all the exe that are affected by that change and deploying them in the staging environment so they can be tested and finally putting them in production.

I already have the book from Ted Roche. What i'm really looking for is sample code. If somebody has already been down that road before me and he would share is code with me.

>Hi Luc,
>I'm not sure what you want to automate: finding the change in the shared library? You can hook events in VSS, but what I've found when doing it is that it slows VSS down a lot. So, it's really better to parse the VSS log file, for that part.
>As for automating VSS to perform actions, take a look at Ted Roche's book from Hentzenwerke: he lays it out very nicely.
>Hank Fay
>>>>Anybody out there that automated Build with Visual Source Safe and willing to share it's code.
>>>>I'm just wondering, I'm about to create one for myself but didn't want to re-invent the wheel...
>>>Whether you use VSS or not, you would usually build from your machine; I don't see much difference there. In VSS, you would check files out, and check them back in, as needed. It doesn't make much sense to automate that.
>>That's what I really want to automate, I'm currently managing 70 differents projects. So if someone makes a change in a shared library, I need to
>>1- Update project list on all the 70 projects
>>2- Build all of them (I already automated this in PRG like you mention below)
>>3- Deploy all of those just after the midnight backup
>>If no one has done that, I will use VSS as a COM object and automate all those tasks.
>>>For building, you mainly need the command BUILD EXE. You can add some more stuff, as required. For instance, to allow updating the EXE on the server while the users were using it, I gave each version a different number, included in the filename: MyApp0001.exe, MyApp0002.exe, etc. This, of course, I automated through a PRG. Your specific requirements may be different.
Luc Nadeau

"the theory, it is when all is known and that nothing works. The practice, it is when all works and that nobody knows why." - Albert Einstein (Nobel of physique 1921)

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