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Project Build Order
29/03/2004 12:30:43
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Hey Kevin,

I didn't go back and search for that post (just read what you've copied here), but I think that particular problem had to do with the Configuration Manager not having everything checked for a Build when refreshing the solution from Source Safe. We've got around that one.

I think your question might be something different. Occasionally I'll run into something with compile errors that seem to get fixed by exiting VS.NET and bringing it back up again, but it doesn't happen often enough that I've bothered to look for a reason and solution. I used to think it was a memory issue ... when I had been working for days without ever shutting down VS.NET, my memory consumption would start getting pretty high and it seemed I started getting weird things happening then. Shutting down VS.NET and starting it back up always seemed to help (because then the memory usage would start all over again). However, I've just gotten a new laptop with 1 gig of RAM and just this weekend ran into something quirky, so I guess my theory about memory is wrong. <g> Anyway, I have no clue as to what it might be, sorry. I've just learned to live with it. <s>


>I just posted a message about quirky behavior with project dependencies and compile errors that seem to disappear when I exit VS.NET and start over.
>I also did a search on project dependencies and found a post of yours from about 2 years ago, where you and Jayesh Patel traded some messages. I don't know if you even remember it, but I figured I'd ask, in case you remember finding any answers or solutions.
>Yeah, ok, I've seen that ... as I said, this is a huge Solution with *lots* of projects ... shouldn't .NET itself be keeping track of dependencies? I assumed the dialog for setting up dependencies was to be used in case .NET screwed up a few here and there, but this is ridiculous ... it seems to have screwed up very many of them. Maybe I'm missing something obvious?
>>You can setup dependencies from Solution Explorer. Right-click on Solution and there is an option for that.
>>>Anyone else having problems with the order in which things are built?
>>>We have a huge solution with many projects in it. Supposedly, .NET is supposed to keep track of the dependencies and build projects in the correct order, but it never seems to work that way. I'm guessing our dependencies are out of whack somewhere, but how to fix it?
>>>This hasn't been a problem until recently because now that we have more than just two developers working on stuff, we've set up VSS and put everything there. Once all projects were refreshed from VSS, just clicking on Debug to recompile everything and run the app did not work at all. We had to manually recompile projects (and hoped that we were doing it in the correct order) one by one ... a major PITA!! Finally got it all recompiled and running, but I know that the next time I grab some code off of VSS, I'm gonna run into the problem again.
>>>What are we doing wrong?
>Bonnie Berent
Bonnie Berent DeWitt
NET/C# MVP since 2003


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