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Closing a File in VFP 8.0
05/04/2004 11:21:57
05/04/2004 10:05:55
Mike Smith
Doncaster Office Services
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
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Visual FoxPro
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I have set up my Intellisense so I only type MC and it converts it into MODIFY COMMAND
I also have boiler plate code for the load method or the requery method etc.
I also set myself up with a routine if I type in dim it asks me for an array name, how many columns and how many rows and then it creates the dimension statement and the aXX[R,C]= for all cells. Saves a lot of typing!
and that is what Intellisense is about!

And if my old brain does not totally fail me you can turn IS off altogether if you are fond of carpal tunnel syndrome.


>I think we have had this discussion before.
>I have this overwhelming suspiscion that MS give us stuff that is easy for them to develop. I suspect they got this from Visual Basic or Visual Studio and passed it along.
>I cannot believe that the saving if 1 or 2 key strokes (if that) in 2% of the lines that a programmer writes is really that big a deal.
>Earlier in this thread, I posted that the biggest benefit of VFP 8.0 for me is that the Debugger works with "Fix" enabled every time. This is a huge time saving for me that I can clearly quantify.
>From what I can gather in this thread, Intellisense has a value if you are doing Object Oriented Programming or if you are developing COM objects which I don't do. I think for guys like me who write procedural code, Intellisense might improve the quality of the code if I misspell the word DEFAULT (which is not a problem yet).
>I can also see for a new programmer, if he/she wasn't sure of what they wanted to say after typing MODIFY, then Intellisense would be great. But when I type the word MODIFY my brain already has the next word in mind and I don't need a 40 row pick list to choose from (yet).
>Anyway, I get the impression that Intellisense may be something like Grids that seem useless at first but eventually grow on you. You know Tamar, I just love Grids now and I am sure you remember very well what I went through with you and Marcia when they first came out.
>While I have you, I wanted to thank you for your book "Microsoft Office Automation with Visual Foxpro". It sat on the shelf for a very long time but I lately have been doing a lot of work with exporting customized Excel Spreadsheets, and I got through it really well by referring to the examples in your book. So thank you so much for this.
>Anyway, I am going to leave Intellisense alive for 5 more days and maybe an old guy like me will eventually see the light.
>Mike Smith
Peter Cortiel

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