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BUG in WriteExpression
05/04/2004 14:02:50
Walter Meester
05/04/2004 03:43:29
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Visual FoxPro
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For lurkers..

Hi John,

Thanks for letting me express the problems with grids in VFP 8


When a grid is empty and allowcellselection is set to .f. it gives a visual effect that you see rows coloured as the listbar on one or multiple rows. This has been comfirmed by Jim Saunders. See BUG: visual side effects with native gridbar Thread #750841 Message #750841 on the UT
When columns are made invisible, they are still accounted for on the horizontal scrollbar.
When columns are made invisible and scrolling to the right, some strange visual effect occurs as if the invisible columns are getting visible for one row. BUG#6: Scrollbug with Invisible columns in grid Thread #754850 Message #75485, on the UT
Refresh in beforerowcolchange probihits the afterrowcolchange to occur. See BUG: SP1: AfterRowColChange does not fire Thread #859458 Message #859458
Grid resizes the columnwidth set at designtime at runtime according to the with of the underlying field. This only occurs when the form containing the grid has been excluded from the project. Grid resizes automatically Thread #800724 Message #800724
Make a gridclass, define a number of columns and delete the textboxes from the columns. Save the class and drop it onto a form. You’ll see the textboxes have been added automatically (BUG), Now go to the original class and delete one column. Now try to open the form and it will error you with a “cannot add this object to a grid” error. See BUG: Cannot add this object to a grid. Thread #891158 Message #891158
When having one or more fixed columns and clicking the horizontal scrollbar, the grid does not scroll to the next invisible column, but one or two further depending on the total width of the fixed columns. Bug#11: horizontal scrollbar on grid jumps too far Thread #886594 Message #886594

Problems/ER request.

I don’t see why the columns or not movable when one or two columns are frozen. Clients do ask for frozen columns and for the ability to move the order of the non frozen columns. Please fix this.

Difficult to reproduce problems

When requerying the underlying table while the grid has the focus: The control having the focus might execute the valid where the value did not refresh to its actual contents.
In the case above, when doing a tableupdate of an recordsource while the grid has the focus, immediately after the table update the GETNEXTMODIFIED() shows that the table has changed again resulting in problems when trying to do a REQUERY() of that recordsource.

I hope this list will inspire the VFPT to fix those problems in VFP 9..


Walter Meester,

Tax Software

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