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Employment up for March 2004! Really?
06/04/2004 10:57:35
06/04/2004 10:37:25
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So many things to do so little time to do it.

The only solution to me is to have everything computerized. At least that'll give use jobs ;->

Jokes aside. Computerization would be the solution because this way everything would be tracked. It's hard to change something when what you already did affected the work of others and those others will take action depending on your actions. So you must keep in line all the time. If big businesses can do it why could'nt governments do it too. At least this would make it harder to have scandals like we're used to see more and more.

>So there are a FEW of us who sense that what's coming isn't pretty from a standard of living point of view.
>The question is... how to get others to see it?... then how to change it?
>I feel that "the powers" have constructed things so that we are simply powerless pawns who are constantly set up to argue amonst each other about the accuracy of the predicted future. And far far too many people are too busy earning a (subsistence) living to have time to participate. They NEED a few moments to relax and when they do they get filled with more of the propaganda (movies, TV, magazines, etc).
>Our politicians still place the highest priority on corporations - the pols get $$$ and we get jobs is the theory. That WAS the case, but now the jobs are going to China. Usually AFTER lots of layoffs and tax concessions (municipal and provincial) resulting simply in more customers for Wal-Mart and less money for firefighters, police and teachers.
>Our politicians always tell us that "productivity is way up", intended as a compliment that we must all be working smarter and harder. Who needs the kind of "productivity" that is really growing corporate profits caused by displacing work to China??? Sure profit is way way up for the corporations, but why is it that cities and provinces are wallowing in red ink??? Might it be because they are carrying the burdens added by layoffs (welfare), layoffs (medical problems caused by stress), layoffs (stress caused by being too heavy in debt when laid off).
>I suspect that the secret is the banking establishment. My guess is that they work so hard to ensure nice heavy debt loads for the common person so that we have little choice but to keep grinding away, keeping our mouths shut. Most are now servants to the banks, whether realized or not.
>I suspect that the (now complete) denigration of unionism is also a key. Most, when asked, will say that unions are nothing more than anachronistic, lazy, freeloading groups designed expressly to kill motivation and hard work and rob owners of hard-earned profit.
>The move is now underway to create the same climate as regards pension plans. Look at the Air Canada fiasco, with a potential buyer insisting that unions give up thier pension rights in order for him to invest. Look at the steelworkers (for example) in the U.S. who have had their pensions plundered despite laws aimed at preventing such.
>Everyone is too busy so they are hoping that something magical will turn it all around. For me it surely will have to be magic because common sense says we are headed for the standard of living enjoyed in China far faster than we think.
> ><snip>
>>What will happen?
>>It's already happening. The wealthiest have their places secured (with police, firefighter, security guards that controls who gets in the secured place). They have to secure themselves from the rest of those "Animals" surrounding them.
>>While the poor goes to WalMart because he can't afford the other places. The rich does'nt have problems. He can buy whatever he wants, eat whatever he wants. And if he has health problem he takes his plane to go to the country where he'll get the right treatment.
>>There are some that still see the world through a children's eyes. Or they try to make you believe that the situation is not so bad. we're too negative. Who should we believe? never forget the hidden agendas. If you job is to sell stuff you won't have many customers if you don't tell them nice things.
>>Just recently in the province of Quebec they tried to get the union to get into a WallMart. It did'nt happen. By a small majority. By the way WallMart said that if the union got into their store they would close the store. Could it be possible to have a better argument to control employees who probably have no hope of finding another job in their locality. When asked about the salary An "Associate" said that her conditions were not that bad. She said that considering everything she earns around $13 per hour. She said that there are some that only get $8 but those probably don't deserve more because they don't make the efforts to get the bonuses.
>>In Canada with $8 per hour you don't live you survive.
>>To me this looks like a downward spiral.
>>In life there are two kinds of people. Those that control and those that are controlled. When reading a comment it helps to know on which side of the fence is the person making the comments.
>>I have my business. I'm the boss. So whatever the comments I make I don't have to worry about what the boss will think about what I just said publicly <vbg>
>>I don't make as much money as many here but I still have that freedom of speech. To me it's still worth something.
>>That is not the case with the majority. They have to filter what they say to be in line with the train of thought of their employer.
>>So they keep selling their stuff.
>>>I have exactly the same fear as you express here, Tracy... one day there will only be McJobs or no jobs in our slice of the world.
>>>We'll always need delivery people and garbage people and sales people and medical people and teachers and maintenance (roads, buildings, etc) people and firefighting people and police (probably way more than now :( ) but not much else because ALL other work is being done in China or ???. I mean, what does come after the "knowledge economy"?
>>>Now with everyone competing for all the jobs listed earlier, most will still be unemployed. So how will we pay for the police and firefighters and teachers with people paying no taxes (unemployed) or McJob tax rates? The answer is, we won't UNLESS everyone agrees to work for a coupla bucks a day. Millionaires will each hire several but that really won't help overall.
>>>I'm afraid that I don't like what I see for the future allowing that things proceed as they are now doing.
Save a tree, eat a beaver.
Denis Chassé

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