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What's in VB that's not in VFP
13/04/2004 21:09:16
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Visual FoxPro
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>is there anything visual basic can do that visual foxpro cannot?

1. Impress corporate heads that they must use this Microsoft product and no other!

2. Help sell SQL Server.

There are many other things that VB can do that VFP fails at. It is all about marketing and profits.

Historically, there have been some active x components that can be created in VB but not VFP.

That should provide no real problem if you understand the limitations and strong points of each tool. If you can only use VB to create an active x control then do so. Do not wait for Microsoft to bring out a service pack or fix for VFP to do the same thing.

I recall some financial functions in VB that are not available in VFP, and I made good use of them! If you want you can always write your own functions in VFP. I think it is less time consuming to use an existing method even if it is in VB.

A project I had used the VB Hierarchal Flex Grid, and ADO Shape, to display parent, child, grandchild, great grandchild data. It was very interesting to see the data displayed in this manner. The application contolled the environment (heating, cooling, automated windows, and fans) at a large facility. It is the only customer I have lost - it was the World Trade Center.

The reason VB exists is due to the business history of Bill Gates. His first product was a card for S-100 Bus Computers, which had a version of Basic installed. It was a great tool as upon boot up (CPM) the program was loaded and available. At the time the next fastest way to load Basic was with what was called a “Kansas City Tape Drive”, which took about 15 minutes to load from tape. The product was very successful by the way.

I think as long as there is Microsoft there will be some version of Basic marketed. Basic is the reason there is a Microsoft. I understand the next technology leap from Microsoft will include a new product called – “Invisible Basic”! :)


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