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Solution to a BIG problem
15/04/2004 16:41:33
15/04/2004 14:18:00
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Hello dear Alex;

>Where do you get that idea? I'm an atheist. I can't see anything that shows me there is such a hint of a deity. Why then would I "need a god" when there is pain or death situations?

I am speaking in a generally way.. Every single person (generally) has a hole in his soul.. Some of them, fill-it-up this hole with his God, or Job, or His family, or some other person through fellowships, courtship, etc..

When we feel really alone or desperate (by pain or any other ocasion).. The most usual exit it is: "Ohh, my God, what I did wrong ?".. This is what I meant..
>I have to disagree here. No disrespect intented to your religion or what you chose to believe but there are also other books with thousands of years of great knowledge, so what. The Bible (both Christian and Judaic) are not really the word of God but the recollections of many writers, many of them unknown and unknowable. It is full of contradictions, inconsistencies, lies, murder, mayhem and other ubnspeakable acts commited in the name of god. It is beyond me how can people read certain passages and believe a benevolent god would condone such vile behavior, let alone order it.

IMO, When we exchange idea (specialty here at U.T.) the main purpose it is mutual help.. Feel free to express your points, buddy.. Certainly the maximum that we will go, will be mutual grown..

To feel if a book has, the inspiration from the Holy-spirit of God, does not have anything about religion.. If its message has, something that express love, personal grown, builds up the life or your life, makes you a better man or opens a better perspective to the life.. I really Believe, comes from God !!

You an atheist, can produce a book with the full spirit of God.. I would say even, that I always feel the presence of God in your words here in U.T.. You are a very helpful person.. And, do things so far away of the M.V.P. pin borders..
>See above. I don't know how can it be the word of god or how can I prove his existence. No faith. Simple proof. Can't be done. Cannot also be denied. Therefore agnostics have a point. But I don't need a god excuse to explain the working of nature I do not (yet) understand.

Jesus Christ only left us a simple commandment: "Love you each other like me loved you".. His preaching on the earth was for less than 3 years only (between 30 and 33 y.old).. The occidental human calendar it is divided before him and after him.. Many people says that he was a martyr only..

Do you know some other martyr that has done (in such little time) such big changes in the humanity?

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

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