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20/04/2004 13:52:42
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>>>>Buddhists do not even discuss God as it has no point to do so. Either you know (one way or the other) or you dont. Believing what someone else says is pointless because you still dont really know. A person just believes what they want to believe.
>>>I read a book yesterday and I think I found a good definition for Buddhism..
>>>Buddhism - Religious and philosophical system founded for Sidarta Gautama (563-483 b.C.), or Buda. Their practices of faith are based in three groups of books: The TRIPITAKA. They believe on the non-existence of an absolute God or personal and believe that each man has one vital energy..
>>This is an inaccurate definition of Buddism. A much more accurate description would be that Buddhism concerns itself with the cause of and alleviation of suffering. The essence of Buddhism is that everything is impermanent. It is not concerned with whether there is or is not a God. For a Buddhist there is no point to debate this as without firsthand experience, one way or the other, you will not benefit from the debate. I have not ever heard of the Tripitaka and there is no bible in Buddhist literature as such.
>It has been 30 years since I studied Buddhism in college, but I do remember there are many sects. The ones I studied were concerned with nine levels. One form taught that the individual should progress from level one to level nine to attain the Buda. Another one had the Buda come to you from level nine to level one.

There are two primary schools which are the Theravada school and Zen. The first is considered the original form while Zen is heavily influenced by Chinese culture and was adopted in Japan particularly by the Samurai class and hence its connection to the martial arts. Zen appeals more to the Western mind as well for its directness while Theravada is a much more gentle and patient approach.

Like any centuries old religion, including the big five, different schools/sects have sprung up which focus on this aspect or that technique or this teacher. But at its core Buddhism is concerned with suffering, its cause, it alleviation, and the impermanence of all things. Including us! These are the primary original teachings of the first Buddha Guatama in India.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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