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FoxTalk 2.0 May Editorial: The Birth of a New Generation
03/05/2004 15:43:00
02/05/2004 23:21:44
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Sorry to jump in here but I couldn't resist. Recently we had 'Take Your Son or Daughter to Work with You' day in our county. My 12 year old daughter took the day off from school (after filling out the permission slips etc) and spent the day with me. There are many days when I am out running around from client site to client site, but wouldn't you know it, this one day an emergency came up and I had to spend it right in front of the computer at my desk making emergency code changes. Well, that is no different than when i am at home so my daughter was dissapointed. To keep her busy, I found a website with an html tutorial and told her to go for it. When she was finished, she came up with this (all on her own):

You will have to cut/past it into another text file on your hard drive with the .html extension to test it out, but if you have a good sense of humor (since you have kids I'm sure you do) and can remember being 12 years old, you will enjoy it:
<center><font face="tahoma"><b> Take this quiz</b></font></center><br>
<center><font face="comic sans"><i> If you think </i></font></center><br>

<center><font face="comic sans"><b><i> YOU'RE the <font size=4>best</font> Best Friend!!!!! </b></i></font></center><br>

<font color="aqua">Take this BFF quiz!!!!!</font>
<marquee><font size="6"> Best Friends For Ever!!!</font></marquee><br><br><br>
<body bgcolor="cc0066">
<form METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.yoursite.com/cgi-bin/formmail.cgi">
<input type=hidden name="redirect" value="http://www.yoursite.com/thankyou.html">
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="email@youremail.com">
<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Form Subject">

<b><p>Your Name: <input TYPE="text" NAME="Name" SIZE="40" MAXLENGTH="40">

<b><p>Your BFF's Name:
<input TYPE="your BFF's Name" NAME="Your BFF's Name" SIZE="40" MAXLENGTH="40">

<b><p>What's Your Gender?
<select NAME="Gender"></b>
<option VALUE="Male">Male
<option VALUE="Female">Female
<b><p>What's Your BFF's Gender?
<select NAME="Gender"></b>
<option VALUE="Male">Male
<option VALUE="Female">Female

<b><p>How Old Are You?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Age" VALUE="0-5" >0-5
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Age" VALUE="6-10">6-10
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Age" VALUE="10-15">10-15
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Age" VALUE="16 and over">16 and over
<p><b>How Old Is Your BFF?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Ageb" VALUE="0-5">0-5
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Ageb" VALUE="6-10">6-10
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Ageb" VALUE="10-15">10-15
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="Age" VALUE="16 and over">16 and over
<p><b>1. Do you know your BFF's last name?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="l.name" VALUE="a. Yes">a. Yes
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="l.name" VALUE="b. No">b.No
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="l.name" VALUE="c. Why would I wanna?">c. Why would I wanna?

<p><b>2. Your BFF asks if he/she can "borrow" some answers on a test. Do you let her/him?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="money" VALUE="a. Yes, but I would advise them on studying and that this would be the last time.">a. Yes, but I would advise them on studying and that this would be the last time.
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="money" VALUE="b. No">b.No
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="money" VALUE="c. No, I'd yell at them 4 even asking and I would totally dump them as a friend!">c. No, I'd yell at them 4 even asking and I would totally dump them as a friend!

<p><b>3. Your BFF needs $20 for a cute blouse you see in the mall. Do you lend her the money?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="test" VALUE="a. Yes">a. Yes
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="test" VALUE="b. No">b. No
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="test" VALUE="c. You say,"No, it would look better on me!">c. You say,"No, it would look better on me!"
<p><b>4. You want to go to the skating rink and your Bff wants to go to the mall. What do you do?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="mall" VALUE="a. Yeah, I wanted to do that anyways. :(">a. Yeah, I wanted to do that anyways. :(
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="mall" VALUE="b. I haven't been to the skating rink in a long time. Can we go to the mall tomorrow?">b. I haven't been to the skating rink in a long time. Can we go to the mall tomorrow?
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="mall" VALUE="c. NO!!! I'm going and I guess you can come if you want to!">c. NO!!! I'm going and I guess you can come if you want to!
<p><b>5. You and your BFF are working on a project together and you can do one of two things. You want to make a telephone and your BFF wants to make a car model. What do you do?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="project" VALUE="a. You say,"Sure, I love cars! VROOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!">a. You say,"Sure, I love cars! VROOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!"
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="project" VALUE="b. You say,"I really want to make a phone, maybe you can consider doing this for me and next time we will do what you wanna do, o.k.?">b. You say,"I really want to make a phone, maybe you can consider doing this for me and next time we will do what you wanna do, o.k.?
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="project" VALUE="c. You say,"You're out of the group!", and you pick another partner.>c. You say,"You're out of the group!", and you pick another partner.

<p><b>6. Do you know your BFF's B-Day?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="B-Day" VALUE="a. Yes">a. Yes
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="B-Day" VALUE="b. I forgot it">b. I forgot it
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="B-Day" VALUE="c. Whatz it matter, hers can't be as important as mine!">c. Whatz it matter, she doesn't deserve a present!
<p><b>7. Did you get your BFF a present on her last B-Day?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="present" VALUE="a. Yes, she loved it">a. Yes, she loved it
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="present" VALUE="b. I was gone on her B-Day, but i sent her a really kewl post card.">b. I was gone on her B-Day, but i sent her a really kewl post card.
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="present" VALUE="c. She doesn't deserve one!">c. She doesn't deserve one!

<p><b>8. How often do ya talk to your BFF?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="talk" VALUE="a. Every Day">a. Every Day
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="talk" VALUE="b. A Couple Times A Month">b. A Couple Times A Month
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="talk" VALUE="c. Who cares!">c. Who cares!
<p><b>9. You and your BFF are totally in love with the same boy in class. When he asks you to the end of school dance you say:</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="love" VALUE="a. I really like you, but I don't think it's a good idea">a. I really like you, but I don't think it's a good idea
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="love" VALUE="b. Yeah but let me call my BFF and tell her I have got the flu and can't stay the night with her then.">b. Yeah but let me call my BFF and tell her I have got the flu and can't stay the night with her then
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="love" VALUE="c. Of Course!!!!!!">c. Of Course!!!!!!
<p><b>10. How long do you think your friendship with your BFF will last?</b>
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="last" VALUE="a. a lifetime">a. a lifetime
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="last" VALUE="b. a couple more years atleast">b. a couple more years atleast
<input TYPE="radio" NAME="last" VALUE="c. who cares, she only temporary!">c. who cares, she only temporary!
<p><b>If most of your answers were A:</b>
<select NAME="A">
<option VALUE="You are a kind trustworthy friend and no one deserves a good friend more than you. As the days go by u are bound to make more friends and if you have been">You are a kind trustworthy friend and no one deserves a good friend more than you. As the days go by u are bound to make more friends and if you have been 
<option VALUE="paying attention, you would have noticed that you have already made more friends than you can count.">paying attention, you would have noticed that you have already made more friends than you can count.

<p>If most of your answers were B:
<select NAME="If most of your answers were B:"></b>
<option VALUE="Are you sure that you are best friends and that you aren't "just friends"?! It's seems that you are not always the perfect match and maybe you don't know her/him that">Are you sure that you are best friends and that you aren't "just friends"?! It's seems that you are not always the perfect match and maybe you don't know her/him that 
<option VALUE="well. I suggest you taking some time to get to know this person before you start calling them your BFF.">well. I suggest you taking some time to get to know this person before you start calling them your BFF.
<b><p>If most of your answers were C:
<select NAME="If most of your answers were C:"></b>
<option VALUE="You are cold-hearted and I wouldn't be supprised if your friend called you and deserted you as a friend right now. Don't expect to make any new friends at the rate">You are cold-hearted and I wouldn't be supprised if your friend called you and deserted you as a friend right now. Don't expect to make any new friends at the rate
 <option VALUE="you're going! Maybe you should try being caring and sympathetic once in a while!">you're going! Maybe you should try being caring and sympathetic once in a while!
<font color="ffff99"><font size="5">Thanx 4 takin' my quiz! :)                                                                                            </font><font color="black" >made by HaLeY j. HoLzEr</font><br><center>&copy;</center>


"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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