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Numbers and truth
03/05/2004 22:15:40
Hilmar Zonneveld
Independent Consultant
Cochabamba, Bolivia
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"When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace. A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love."

Find some more interesting quotations at http://peaceseeds.elysiumgates.com/peace.html.

>It is interesting what is known and given importance. Some subjects are not discussed and others have been biased for whatever reason. Take numbers for instance.
>We often hear about the bombing of Britain during World War II, how so many people were killed. Documents that I have read indicate about 60,000 civilians died. How many Germans died from Allied bombing? Over one million. That is not discussed.
>As many people were killed in the bombing of Hamburg Germany in August 1943 as were killed at Nagasaki. I guess that conventional weapons are excluded from consideration in such facts.
>Guess where the greatest number of bombs were dropped? Would you believe Laos? Even today people are killed in Laos due to the ordnance we left behind. In fact one person dies on average every two days from our bombs that remain. They called that “the secret war”.
>What was the “worst battle of World War II? I would say Okinawa from what I have read. I can imagine being there from April 1st, 1945 until the actions ceased. It was horrific for military and civilians alike. My father was there but would never talk about it.
>Remember the causalities we suffered on the shores of Normandy on D-Day? Here is an interesting story. General Eisenhower wanted to have the assault troops practice beach landings so he had three troop ships filled with men. This occurred a few days before June 6th. The ships went to sea off of the southern coast of England, where they were to carry out their activities. German U Boats spotted the ships and sunk two. More men were killed during that incident than on the beaches on D-Day.
>The things we learn, know, or care about may or may not be true. We believe what we will for whatever reason. Some truths are not known and others are not cared about. Too bad there is not emphasis to know what facts actually exist. With the proper bias and attitude any fact can be diminished or made in any image desired. What you believe may not be accurate.
>I like to keep an open mind on all subjects. What I think I know can easily be wrong. Having a sense of humor is important. :)
Difference in opinions hath cost many millions of lives: for instance, whether flesh be bread, or bread be flesh; whether whistling be a vice or a virtue; whether it be better to kiss a post, or throw it into the fire... (from Gulliver's Travels)

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