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My dad was a Marine in the South Pacific, and went through many battles, Okinawa being one of them. He had a commander who decided the men were “wasting ammunition”, so each man had to buy his own! I am a Vietnam vet. Some statistics that interest me.

For an American military person to kill one enemy the average number of bullets used was:

1. World War II – 400
2. Vietnam – 65,000

We used a lot of Gatling guns (6000 rounds a minute) and automatic weapons in Vietnam. Memories of “Puff the Magic Dragon”. Enough of that topic – I am starting to think about things I thought I forgot.

Your comment about nail guns goes for all types of guns and cameras using film (including developing cost).

Now consider the use of Nuclear shells! Lots of big $$$ for someone. The nice thing is you can see what you hit in the dark. Just watch it glow! :)

I can see medics in the field carrying Geiger counters. If you find someone hit by a nuclear shell you have to wear protective gear. Seems awkward. How about we call this war thing off. Shooting people is become too complex and cumbersome.


>You are a regular walking "Janes":)
>You're probably right! I thought GE made the Phalanx system.
>I was a "framer" when in school. We used "nail guns". I remeber a salesman telling my crew - "the money is in the nails, not the gun"
>With 4.2 Million Lbs of depleted uranium on the ground (Nuclear Policy Watch), I tried to look up the cost, to the taxpayer, of a 20 mm, 30 mm and 40 mm "gatling" gun round. My guess is that that they may be over 100$ea. You wouldn't happen to have that data available, would you?:)
>>Hi Terry,
>>Are you sure you don't mean General Dynamics (not GE) Combat Systems Group (in Burlington, VT) which manufactures gatling guns for the F-15, F-16, and F-18 aircraft (as well as much more)? Prior to 1992 General Electric owned General Dynamics, but in 1992 it changed hands to Martin-Marietta.
>>>>I once had a course where my instructor gave the assignment to write a one page paper describing a ping pong ball using only facts. That's all he said. No one passed the test. If you said it was white, he said did you measure it with a spectragraph? If so, what were the results? If you said it was round, you were wrong, becuase it is not. Round describes a two dimensional object, it was spherical - a three dimensional adjective. My point is, newspapers give information, not facts, based on their political leanings. Your sources are filtering the data according to their religious/political/ethnic/etc. perspectives. Don't confuse facts with news.
>>>Great object summation. Lets tell that to all those lost American's and Iraqis that were forced to depart this world based on facts of WMDs and 9-11 Links from our administration and NYC news services and a willing public. Should we start laundering our "brown shirts"?
>>>Fact: GE owns NBC, MSNBC
>>>Fact: GE manufactures gatling guns that fire depleted uranium bullets that GE also makes.
>>>Fact: Iraq has 4.2 Million pounds (of depleted uranium)laced with her surface soil.
>>>Fact: NBC promoted the WMD and 9-11 linkage stories (facilitated the "war").
>>>Fact: GE made a lot of money by faciliting a war based on lies their NBC news division sold us.
>>>Fact: GE does not have to pay death benefits to survivors of Americans or Iraqis that were killed during the military action.
>>>Fact: There are no WMDs or 9-11 links in Iraq
>>>Fact: Killing without justification is murder.
>>>Fact: American service personal in recent reports and images are looking more like the KKK than professional soldiers.
>>>Assumption: Objectivity has failed us.
>>>Right now, the 'ole' objectivity card is a joke. Maybe it will work in your neighborhood, but it don't work in mine:). Mind games won't wash the blood off our hands!

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