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Word 2003 automation Problem
13/05/2004 18:39:07
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
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Hi Cetin.
Thanbks very much for your very informative reply.

If I get the gist of what you are doing:

-- Instead of using a VFP table as the data source, you are using a text file because of the flakiness of using a Table as a data source ?? Right

Also , is the ~include "wdconst.h" relevant, and if so, where can I get it.

Thanks a lot again for your help



>Hi Gerard,
>Sorry I've been quite busy nowadays, finally project got out of door.
>Here is a sample doing it creating and using a doc as the source :
>#include "wdconst.h"
>Select * ;
>	from (_samples+'data\customer') ;
>	where country = 'USA' ;
>	into Cursor Tempreport
>lcTemp = Sys(2015)+'.tmp'
>lnFields = Fcount()
>Copy To (lcTemp) Type Delimited With "" With Tab
>lcHeader = ''
>For ix = 1 To Fcount()
>	lcHeader = lcHeader + Iif(Empty(m.lcHeader),'',Chr(9)) + ;
>		'A_long_header_for_field_'+Field(m.ix)+'_here'
>lcSourceDoc = 'c:\temp\Source.txt'
>	Filetostr(m.lcTemp),m.lcSourceDoc)
>Erase (m.lcTemp)
>*** set the LOCALEID to English
>nlLocaleId=Sys(3004)  && Save local id
>=Sys(3006,1033)       && We will be sending instructions in English
>*** set the LOCALEID to English
>Local oWordDocument, llToPrinter, lcTempDataDoc
>oWord=Createobject("word.application")	&& Create word object
>With oWord
>	.documents.Add  && New file or open a template
>	With .Activedocument.Mailmerge
>          *
>          * Set file as data source for mailmerge
>          * File is a tab delimited text file with header line
>          * Since word's default settings perfectly fit
>          * opening a tab delimited file as if it were a table
>          * this is just we want - no need for a conversion
>          *
>          * Or thinking any Word owner should also have Excel
>          * (not true always) you might open the text file with
>          * Excel and set that as a datasource
>          *
>          .OpenDataSource(m.lcSourceDoc)
>	  .EditMainDocument	&& Activate the main document
>	Endwith
>	.Application.Selection.TypeText("Dear,"+Chr(13))
>	With .Application.Selection.Font
>		.Name = 'Times New Roman'
>		.Italic = .T.
>		.Size = 14
>	Endwith
>	.Activedocument.Mailmerge.Fields.Add(.Application.Selection.Range, ;
>   'A_long_header_for_field_Contact_here')
>	.Application.Selection.TypeText(Chr(13))
>	.Activedocument.Mailmerge.Fields.Add(.Application.Selection.Range, ;
>   'A_long_header_for_field_Company_here')
>	With .Application.Selection.Font
>		.Italic = .F.
>		.Name = 'Arial'
>		.Size = 10
>	Endwith
>	.Visible = .T.  && Show word app
>	.Activate  && Make it the active foreground app
>**** Set the LocaleId to the previous value
>As you see this is a sample to OpenDataSource BUT using an office friendly source which is simply another word doc (and word already knows how to open a txt file, simple and fast).
>With oWord
>	.documents.Add  && New file or open a template
>If you instead write :
>With oWord
>	.documents.Add("c:\myPath\MyTemplate.doc")
You'd be using a presaved template.
>>Hi Cetin.
>>I sort of thought your 'Set Flamesuit' was a joke....but you never know !!!
>>I dont have any love for OpenDatSource,but is there another way of driving Word Mailmerge 2003 from VFP without it.

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