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NYT Reporter in Brazil
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Daniel i think that we have to remember that with great power comes great responsibility. police the world over are no different to anyone one else, there are good one and bad ones. the only difference is that police have been given the authority by us, society, to act as they see fit on our behalf. we do let them have personal disgression, if you are a blond with big boobs this disgression means that you are less likely to get a ticket. the shot first ask question later mentality is dangerous and is used. i remember hearing a story in the US about a cop who shot a 14 year old dead because he was driving a car that had its head lights on. the cop did not know the car was robbed, its was not driven dangerously, in fact the only thing wrong was that the head lights were on. this cop received no repremand, why he could not just shot out the tyres i do not know. every single small abuse any cop makes of his/her power is amplified in societys eyes as they are supposed to be bastions or moralaty. what tom said is somewhat correct, if a cop kills another person they have been the judge, jury and executioner and in our name wether we agree with it or not. only a judge can preside over a case, only a jury convict a person and only an executioner can kill them, when you kill someone you have judged them to be something, dangerous, you have decided to kill them, a jurys verdict, and you have killed them, executioner. i know police here as well and they are as honest as they come, but they will freely tell me of the small abuses that they partake in, i won't list them as we all know that they go on in every country. we must accept that there are bad apples and remove them, we must accept that there are bad deeds done and this must be rectified.

>>The good thing about being a policeman is that you can act as judge, jury and executioner, in the name of society.
>That is the most despicable and unwarrented statement I have ever seen on this board about police in the US. Have you ever known a cop? I have met many, many others that are decent human beings and take their responsibilities as armed enforcement very seriously. There are bad ones, to be sure, but to make such a general condemnation of them shows an incredible degree of disrespect for people that have a difficult - and often life-threatening - job to do.
>You, sir, have just insulted my father and a great many other men and women that deserve support, not attacks. You disgust me.
Go raibh maith agat


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