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Microsoft's position on Visual FoxPro and .NET
10/06/2004 18:26:38
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Be fair to whom? So there is such a thing as reality and we may differ as to what that is.

In the words of a famous American – Ronald Reagan, “Taxes should hurt”! He paid no personal income taxes the year that he made that statement. A man named Howard Hughes was once one of the richest men in the world. The same year Reagan made his statement given above, Mr. Hughes paid $636 in Federal and no State income taxes. Yes be fair!

Why do so many “rich” (definition subject to personal feelings) pay tax attorneys more than they pay in taxes? Smart attorneys – yes – but the rich have to be smart and find the right attorney. We have a huge number of millionaires and a billionaire in our community. The numbers given about taxes they pay is interesting. Many pay much less then I do.

So by all means be fair. Be fair to the rich and those who support such thinking.

Remember the conversation we had about federal income taxes, which went into effect in 1913 with the 16th Amendment to the Constitution? I cannot remember the details but I believe the average American family made about $350 annually and taxation did not begin until you made $500 or more.

Some people defend the rich and condemn the poor. That may be because they aspire to be rich and are not. After all, America is the “land of opportunity”!


>Be fair. Many rich pay as much as 40-50% in taxes while many low income not only do not pay taxes but receive a rebate to compensate (Earned Income Credit). For instance, if you have a child living with you during the tax year you could receive a refundable credit of up to $2,547 if your earned income and your adjusted gross income were less than $29,666. That is after not paying any taxes at all. The amount can be as much as 4900.00 in some cases. So not only do you not pay taxes, but you receive part of my income too (or any worker's income who paid taxes).
>While we do not receive 'free' medical care and I would like to see it available in our country. It is NOT free. Those that pay taxes (those that work) pay for it. I contribute a large percentage of my pay that I work for to help feed and clothe those that do not work but are physically capable of working and at times I resent it. I'm not sure everyone would agree to any type of socialism in this country if they truly realized that it is not the government that is paying for it but those that work. In addition, there is not enough control over what the government does with the money you pay in taxes. Who can say if what I pay in taxes would go for health care for the masses or for research as to why ants build and work in colonies for the thousandth time? At least with paying for it yourself you know where your money is going...
>>>I guess Americans don't count their health insurance premiums as "taxes", and I wonder what the cost of *my* insurance in the U.S. would have been given that I had a "pre-existing condition"????
>>Not everyone here pays taxes. For instance many of the rich pay little or nothing in taxes in our country. However, over 44 million people in the United States have no medical insurance. You have no right to get sick and receive medical treatment in our nation. That is the way it is.
>>Only those with money or insurance should receive medical treatment or those who are illegal aliens! Even having medical insurance may do you little or no good. It depends upon your policy and the clerk who is administrating it.
>>>We do have an insignificant - by comparison to tyhe U.S. - military establishment. We told our government, years ago, that being healthy was more important to us than being mighty. We wouldn't mind both, but the choice is for the former when it can't be both.
>>Considering that the population of California is greater than that of Canada, I think our national guard exceeds your military in numbers! :)
>>The bottom line - do not get sick or injured! Also, enlist in the military before they draft you! The military has pills called APC's (All Purpose Capsules) that cure any disease. They also have #13 square needles that I remember well! :)

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