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Should dotNet become VFP?
08/07/2004 03:49:57
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Visual FoxPro
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Why can anything else not be better than VFP? Why does everyone feel the need to compare?

Because too many have their self-esteem and entire self-worth tied up in Fox. It is what I have called for quite some time - the unhealthy co-dependency that exists amongst many in the Fox Community..er...Cult. A lot of people have become close, have become wrapped up into a lot of personal issues. At times, the Fox Community comes closer to being a PTA type organization over-run with house-fraus yentas...In a nutshell, any hope of objectivity waved bye bye a long time ago...

For many, it is all they know and all they have used for the past 10+ years....

In many ways, Fox is like the calculator.. You know in 1968 or so, when HP created the first hand-held calculator, it was a marvelous thing. In 1975, I think the first programmable HP calculator came out. Today, it is not a big deal...

Why do people still not get that VFP & .Net are different beasts? VFP has one way of doing something, just as another language has its own way of doing things.

That is a good point...and it begs the question of why it would be valuable to important much of what .NET does into VFP. When you get down to it, the VFP purests should be gagging over it. To infiltrate VFP with what .NET does...well....it cuts against the grain that VFP is self-sufficient and good "as is"..

The whole issue is a joke IMO, and I still can't understand why everyone feels they have to defend VFP as if their lives depended on it

Well you see, that is it. To many, their lives - in their mind - do depend on it. Looking at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, dinging Fox is like choking off ones supply of air, water, food. The basic survival instincts start coming out. In the end, it is there fault. You have to wonder about people who will wonder where their next job will be in Fox...and yet...will still not get with it and learn a new skill set. Oh well...sucks to be them...

seems to me that this form of defense can only come from in-security,


and JVP seems to be the best person at touching that particular nerve.

Yep...because I know that is exactly what the sore spot is.

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