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Gravity Probe B - Update
12/07/2004 07:53:12
Hilmar Zonneveld
Independent Consultant
Cochabamba, Bolivia
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I think the analogy is appropriate in many senses. However, see also my additional notes inline.

>Hi Hilmar,
>I will use an example of a diver performing a dive off a platform 20 ft. above a swimming pool, and then use the example as an analogy to Einstein's theory of gravity. In the swimming pool is water that tends towards maintain a even distribution within the pool based on physics principles. The water is twelve feet deep at the point where the diver enters the water from his diving platform 20 ft above.
>When the diver hits the water he creates a disturbance in the water in the form of a warp or bubble, as he travels through the water. The water tending to maintain an even distribution within the pool, exerts a force against the warp created by the diver, and as the diver move through the water the warp quickly disappears behind the diver, as the water restores to its normal even distribution.
>The force that the water exerts against the warp created by the diver is like gravity, and would tend to force objects close to, or against the diver, towards the center of the diver mass, as the water push against the warp to close it.
>The universe contains a static substance like an ocean of water which has been referred to by many publishers as ether, aether, etc. My understanding is the ether is evenly distributed throughout the universe, and like water, would adjust back to its uniform state if disturbed. For purposes of my example I will refer to the substance as ether which many believe permeates the entire universe.
>The ether is very sparse in composition. However, ether would have an effect on an object like the earth which is believed to be traveling through the ether at a speed somewhere around 70,000 MPH. The warp created by the earth, as it speeds through the ether, creates a warp in space forming gravity that hold object near or against earth in place.

The concept of ether has been discredited for quite a while. However, in modern theory it is space itself which is warped, etc.; so what is the big difference? You can call it ether, or space if you like!

>How, suppose the diver referred to early was spinning like a top as he entered the swimming pool. The warp the diver creates in the water, under this circumstance, would tend to drag his warp in the direction of his spin. This is the effect for which Gravity Probe B is looking. If the earth's rotation, as it orbits the sun, drags the warp create by earth in the direction of the earth's spin, it would add confirmation to Einstein's concept of gravity. It is an interesting concept and if proved true, then the scientific community should begin to explore ways in which these interactions creating gravity could be used for the good of mankind.
>Do all planets spin in the same direction as they orbit the mass who gravitational ether push has them captured?

Venus rotates backwards (they say the axis of rotation is inclined hundred seventy-something degrees).

Uranus has an inclination of 98 degrees, meaning the axis is almost horizontal in the plane of movement (making the north pole and the south pole the warmest place on the planet, at times).

> Is there something about the way a mass spins that facilitates it movement through the either. Also, why would an object not decelerate as it pushed against the ether? Some of the publishers I've read believe the earth is accelerating against the ether. This would require some unknown force to supply the energy for the acceleration. The diver in the example provided decelerate rapidly, as the water resist the diver's disturbance to its normal distribution.

In the General Theory of Relativity, it is believed that an accelerating mass will radiate gravitational waves - this is analogous to an accelerating electrical charge producing electro-magnetic waves.

Note that this applies to acceleration, not to absolute velocity. It is believed that the ether/space has a kind of symmetry which doesn't allow the detection, or definition for that matter, of an absolute speed.

>Also, it is my understanding the ether would be the substance that gave an object greater mass as it accelerated in speed. Like a plane flying against a rain storm, the mass would increase at it exerted itself against the ether in its acceleration. At some point it would require an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to a greater speed. An object has potential mass as it speed through a vacuum. It is only when a mass hit resistance that it has real mass.

What is it that really gives an object its mass - that is something that is still being investigated, in my understanding.

However, according to the Special Theory of Relativity, mass and energy are closely related. At slow speeds (quite a lot less than c), the kinetic energy (energy of movement) can be calculated as 1/2 * m * v^2. Divide this by c^2, and you get the increase in mass. (If the mass is given in kg, and velocities in m/sec, then the energy is in Joule = watt-second.)

For larger speeds, the formula for kinetic energy needs to be adjusted. In fact, it becomes easier to calculate the increase in mass first, and then multiply by c^2.

>My concept of gravity are based on my limited experience and education in science and physics, and what little reading I have done on other scientists and physics concept of gravity.
>These are interesting times, and It would be great if the next new revolutionary discovery about the universe came within our generation.
Difference in opinions hath cost many millions of lives: for instance, whether flesh be bread, or bread be flesh; whether whistling be a vice or a virtue; whether it be better to kiss a post, or throw it into the fire... (from Gulliver's Travels)

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