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Anybody can Interpret this Assembly Language
11/09/2004 16:39:21
Hilmar Zonneveld
Independent Consultant
Cochabamba, Bolivia
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Visual FoxPro
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In case anyone wants to learn Assembly Language, www.grc.com has some excellent references. The site also proves you can do impressive things with Assembler; for instance, there is a 50 KB program used to test Zip disks/drives for a problem specific to Zip drives: the "click of death" (also explained on the grc page).

>Does anybody can try to interpret to me this few lines of Assembly language?
>I accidentally put into disassembly mode an executable applications. The code is very very long, it could be thousands...I had tried to print but it doesn't print all, I manage to print only 159 pages...
>Here is some of the code?
1011469B  push        eax
>1011469C  call        10106F56
>101146A1  mov         esi,eax
>101146A3  lea         edi,[ebp-14h]
>101146A6  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>101146A7  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>101146A8  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>101146A9  xor         edi,edi
>101146AB  cmp         word ptr [ebp-14h],di
>101146AF  jne         10114713
>101146B1  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+1Ch]
>101146B4  lea         esi,[eax+18h]
>101146B7  push        esi
>101146B8  push        edi
>101146B9  push        ebx
>101146BA  call        1011ECE0
>101146BF  mov         ax,word ptr [ebp+0Ch]
>101146C3  add         esp,0Ch
>101146C6  mov         word ptr [ebx+0Ch],ax
>101146CA  mov         ax,word ptr [ebp+10h]
>101146CE  mov         word ptr [ebx+0Eh],ax
>101146D2  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+14h]
>101146D5  mov         dword ptr [ebx+10h],eax
>101146D8  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+1Ch]
>101146DB  cmp         eax,edi
>101146DD  mov         dword ptr [ebx+14h],eax
>101146E0  jle         101146F2
>101146E2  push        eax
>101146E3  lea         eax,[ebx+18h]
>101146E6  push        dword ptr [ebp+18h]
>101146E9  push        eax
>101146EA  call        1011F020
>101146EF  add         esp,0Ch
>101146F2  push        edi
>101146F3  push        esi
>101146F4  push        ebx
>101146F5  mov         ebx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
>101146F8  lea         eax,[ebp-20h]
>101146FB  push        eax
>101146FC  lea         ecx,[ebx+4]
>101146FF  call        1010345C
>10114704  mov         esi,eax
>10114706  lea         edi,[ebp-14h]
>10114709  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>1011470A  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebx]
>1011470C  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>1011470D  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>1011470E  call        1010702B
>10114713  mov         esi,dword ptr [ebp-4]
>10114716  push        dword ptr [ebp-8]
>10114719  mov         ecx,dword ptr [esi]
>1011471B  call        10106E79
>10114720  jmp         1011474C
>10114722  mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Eh],eax
>10114725  mov         word ptr [ebp-0Ah],ax
>10114729  mov         word ptr [ebp-14h],0FFE3h
>1011472F  mov         dword ptr [ebp-12h],1428h
>10114736  jmp         10114716
>10114738  mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Eh],eax
>1011473B  mov         word ptr [ebp-0Ah],ax
>1011473F  mov         word ptr [ebp-14h],0D8F1h
>10114745  mov         dword ptr [ebp-12h],1428h
>1011474C  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
>1011474F  lea         esi,[ebp-14h]
>10114752  mov         edi,eax
>10114754  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>10114755  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>10114756  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>10114757  pop         edi
>10114758  pop         esi
>10114759  pop         ebx
>1011475A  leave
>1011475B  ret         18h
>1011475E  push        ebp
>1011475F  mov         ebp,esp
>10114761  sub         esp,3Ch
>10114764  push        ebx
>10114765  push        esi
>10114766  lea         eax,[ebp-4]
>10114769  push        edi
>1011476A  push        eax
>1011476B  lea         eax,[ebp-3Ch]
>1011476E  push        18h
>10114770  push        eax
>10114771  push        0
>10114773  lea         ebx,[ecx+4]
>10114776  push        1
>10114778  lea         eax,[ebp-14h]
>1011477B  push        6
>1011477D  push        eax
>1011477E  mov         ecx,ebx
>10114780  call        10102EC9
>10114785  mov         esi,eax
>10114787  lea         edi,[ebp-24h]
>1011478A  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>1011478B  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>1011478C  movs        dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
>1011478D  mov         ax,word ptr [ebp-24h]
>10114791  test        ax,ax
>10114794  jne         10114804
>10114796  lea         eax,[ebp-8]
>10114799  mov         ecx,ebx
Difference in opinions hath cost many millions of lives: for instance, whether flesh be bread, or bread be flesh; whether whistling be a vice or a virtue; whether it be better to kiss a post, or throw it into the fire... (from Gulliver's Travels)

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