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Yea, I got some Rod...

>>Re #1: I suppose it might matter what YOU define as "specific". As we've >>all (well, 95%+ of us) come to know, JohnP can be highly obtuse when it >>comes to "details", along the same line of your former President's sub->>defining "is".
OK, I'll be specific. Did you take john's comment about Viagra as a personal attack. I think it was meant as humerous. That's one of the reasons.

Second... do you think that John really offended Dennis when he talked about the Quebec government ? That's 2.

Third... Can I take your comment about Bill Clinton as a personal or political attack. I kinda liked clinton.

>>Let's HYPOTHETICALLY say the JohnP was considered to be a "troll". Would >>stating that be enough of a "specific reason" or would you then need the >>message #s deemed to qualify him as such?
You see being a troll is a subjective term right. How about me. Am I a troll ? Or do I need to post regularly to be a card holding member here ?

I think I recommended a couple of years ago for people to begin learning .NET then so they would be ready for the market today. My message has been consistent on that one for some time now. But I could be considered a troll for someone that comes up here to ask about .NET vs VFP. Maybe taht is the subject matter I am really interested in. But if that question only comes once and a while am I troll for answering it. I know this is hypothetical but is that not the def of a troll ?

>>Re #2: That's interesting (but nothing more). Having just read the UT's >>clarifications document it could conceivably be that those who submitted >>complaints were informed of a decision? But my question to you is why does >>this matter?... and especially to you?

Why this matters: How do you know where the line really is when it comes to personal attacks?

>>Re #3: Firstly, and again, JohnP has amply demonstrated a way of twisting >>things and interpreting things in particularly quaint ways. Secondly, >>surely "harsh" and "baseless" are subject to interpretation (JohnP's usual >>fine-toothed-comb might find one odd word and use that the debase the >>whole, as he does regularly). Why are you so sure this is all true?... Why >>does it matter to you?
I wont comment on John's "style" of messages here.
See below why I think this mattters to me and you.

>>Re #4: Now that's a delightful one! Whay is it anybody's business but >>JohnP's and UT Managements?!?! JohnP would be so quick to pounce if it >>were any other way! I consider your attempts to get some response to be >>baiting, pure and simple.
I see this pretty simply. You could be next. If someone finds what you say as an attack a couple of time you could be banned too. Your comments the other day to George Tasker were pretty clearly an attack. So did you get a warning for that ? And next time are you out too ? Hopefully you see what I am talking about.

>>Re #5: It's quite clear that you have a conflict of interest here, this >>statement more serving YOU than in any way aimed at "helping" JohnP.
I don't know how this is self serving at all. The rules apply to everyone here. And in most other forums the community takes care of things itself. I think there are people here that like(d) JVP's posts and those that didn't. Sometimes dissenting opinions are healthy.

>>YOUR >>VFP-related web site may not be a business, but I quite definitely >>see UT >>as a business. Like any business, it gets customers for one of two >>possible reasons: (1) it provides a GOOD SERVICE; (2) it is the only game >>in town. And guess what... "business" and "community" go together just >>fine in countless arenas and did so long before there was a Microsoft or a >>FoxPro or a CompuServe! Does it bother you (as it sure appears to) that UT >>appears to be succeeding as a business?
I have no problem with the UT suceeding at all. It is a good place that has lots of "mind share" which is critical for a forum like this to survive. I like michel and like the UT. I recommed to people using VFP (along with foxforum too) to come here for help if they need it.

>>Re #6: This from the very model of respectfulness himself! 'Nuf said!

Have I been disrespectful to you or anyone here. Show me where and I'll be happy to say sorry. Or is your comment a personal attack that needs to be reported to the management ?

>>Rod, JohnP has simply found another voice - yours. Get over it and get >>back to work!

John doesn't need my voice at all. He can take care of himself fine. But I would like to thank you about your concern for my work and business.
Rod Paddock
Editor in Chief CoDe Magazine
President Dash Point Software, Inc.
VP Red Matrix Technologies,Inc.

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