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>Hi tom,
>there is no problem at all with removing the session and putting in a variable, i have done this and it still makes no difference. in the end i have written a dll that does this small task, over kill i know but it held me up for a while. i would rather that this was done on the asp page than in a dll as i can update it more easily and i will come back to it to sort it out when the project is finished. thanks for getting back to me.
>you've been quiet on the thread up until recently, take a nice (well earned) break?


It is not like me to be quiet! :) Yes, we had a short break and blow off some steam. Lots of things going on at work as we launched a new model truck. I have two major applications and several minor ones going on at the same time. This is a real burnout but beats being unemployed!

By the way, the way I do ASP (not ASP.NET) updates is to send the page to another page for processing. Then the user clicks on a button to return to the original page. My ASP "Save Pages" have about 2000 lines of code - there is a lot going on. My application has about 200,000 lines of code, with over one hundred objects on each user page, and many dozens of user pages for a total of about 150 pages. I use lots of INCLUDE files but they will not let me use DLL's, etc.!

If I did this application in ASP.NET it would reduce the code by a huge amount!!! I would think the reduction in code would be at least 75%. Oh well, you do what you get paid for! :)

I just finished a VFP Report Application hooked up to our Production SQL Server. It is so cool! This is the first time I have been allowed to use VFP since I was hired over 4 years ago! By the way I was hired as a VFP programmer! :)


>>>hi all
>>>i have the following code. it works on page1.asp perfectly, only updating one record, however on page two it updates most records in the table. this is the exact same code char-4-char on the 2 pages, i am really stumped, any ideas?
>>>Dim step3_RS, step3_SQL
>>>Set step3_RS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
>>>step3_SQL = "SELECT per_stage FROM web_permit WHERE per_num= '" & SESSION("USER_PERMIT") & "'"
>>>step3_RS.Open step3_SQL, objConn, , adLockOptimistic
>>>step3_RS ("per_stage") = "Claimed"
>>You know your needs and application design so I am just voicing my opinion from what I see and know. I can only see this code so I am basing my suggestion upon it. I try to avoid Session.
>>I would not use the Session() in the select statement. Would removing Session be a serious problem?

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