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Those are scary thoughts Victor. But the worst part is that this is probably the tip of the iceberg.

I'm wondering about something. Can we really blame this on the stockholders of the huge corporations? Could they be ultimately the only ones to blame for this ever-growing mess?

If it is it looks like they could be in panic mode and they don't see any hope of getting out of this crazyness.

So instead of selling eggs that came from the chicken. Which does'nt make as much money as selling the chicken but that way they get a little bit of money but on a long period, they decided to sell the chicken. This gets them more money but that's it. No more chicken to sell after that so no more eggs to sell either.

Perhaps there's hope. Wall-Mart is beginning to be syndicated here in the province of Quebec in Canada. I don't know if there is such a movement in the states. Anyway here Wall-Mart said that they would close a store that's been syndicated. The reason given "That place was never profitable since its opening". Hmmm could be but it could also be a way to scare the others that could have the same idea of getting their store syndicated. Let's just hope that the movement will continue and Wall-Mart is syndicated on a steady base. They won't close them all. There must be some that are profitable <g>

I mentioned Wall-Mart but this could apply to other huge businesses.

Here's the way I see outsourcing. No problem with it as long as what's being made elsewhere stays there after. I mean a company making running shoes can outsource but the running shoes will have to be sold where they were made.

So stuff made in India would have to be sold in India.

>Before ya read this keep in mind I don't want to offend anyone and that there are many fine programmers that live outside the USA.
>I was reading some stuff about the debate last night and it got me thinking.....
>"......"Mr. President," Schieffer asked, "what do you say to someone in
>this country who has lost his job to someone overseas who's being paid a
>fraction of what that job paid here in the United States?"
>"I'd say, Bob, I've got policies to continue to grow our economy and create
>the jobs of the 21st century," Bush said. "And here's some help for you to
>go get an education. Here's some help for you to go to a community
>ummmmm... community college. ooook the U.S. information tech sector lost
>403,300 jobs between March 2001 and this past April.
>Rant ON
>...ok so let me get this right...I'm supposed to tell my 400,000+ highly
>skilled, well educated friends not to worry that some dude in India is
>doing his job for $3 an hour and that he/she is gonna be ok...cause we're
>gonna give them a break and send them to community college! Arrrrgh! I
>say lets fry these corps with some taxes that make such actions
>impractial! And besides there aint gonna be no $ for community
>college...we need to build a few more bombs to blow up some more innocent
>people first. Maybe we can outsource that too....or wait we already
>'s called "civilian contracters"...(aka mercenary)! Man are we
>gonna get to talk about health care here too? I keep reading this junk &
>now I'm starting to twitch and my blood pressure is bouncing around the
>moon somewhere...aaarrrrGGG! Hopefully I won't need a perscription for any
>of it cause I'll end up getting busted trying to buy the same stuff from
>Canada or Mexico for pennys on the dollar cause I won't have a choice cuase
>my job's gonna be in India or Pakastan and its not like I gonna have health
>insurance or somethin. Plus I'm probably gonna have to walk there to get it
>cause gas is gonna be 5 bucks a gallon and I wont be able to pay for gas....and
>even if I can my insurance for the car is gonna be a zillion dollars a week.
>Rant OFF
Save a tree, eat a beaver.
Denis Chassé

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