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Brazil is in the space age - wow! Cassini is snapping pictures of Titan - wow! We live in wonderful times!

if you presented true facts, good or bad, on both sides
I cannot assert that I present facts - they are hard find these days*g*. A wanna-be amature activist does not want to change things (an improbability). He simply wants to free the voice of others. The voice of the "chorus" will [always] bring about change! But, I try to be correct, and I sourced my "week end traffic deaths" in Israel from the Israeli paper (Ha `aretz). Israelis [alledgedly] killed by Palestinians excluded IDF dead (after all, it is a war!). Both sides share blame for collateral kills.

Now I say aledgedly because there are reports that Israeli Mossad has penetrated (some say Mossad created) Hamas. Remeber the Hamas - Al Quaeda connection? It was a false flag operation set up by Mossad - and they got caught. ( )

There is also the suggestion (and if viewed from a 'business' prospective - seems pluasible) that Mossad is involved with the Beheadings and Kidnappings in Iraq ( In one picture , in fact, one of the 'terrorists' is holding a Mossad issue carbine. They say it's Zurkawi, and show us his picture on TV - but at the scene of the crime he wears a mask? I have read that the speaker in the video does not have a Jordanian accent, as we would expect from Zarkawi. I have read that Zarkawi has been dead for months. It would be easy to understand why such a story would be fabricated. Faluja is between our government and the oil! Milk factorys are bio-weapons labs - Moslem Kindergardens are terrorist training schools. Easy for sheeple whose basic desire is to burp up them last bunch of french-fries. They're all brownies anyway, right? Animals, right? Its okay to kill them - and if this Zarqawi fella is in there (it was on CNN so it must be true) - let's flatten the place and kill everybody, if we have to, to get him!

Remember: Deepthroat said, in All the Presidents Men, "Follow the money!"

There is the incident of the USS Liberty ( ). It is documented. It was intentional. Some Israeli pilots had the ethics not to attack, and turned back and faced court marshal. Israeli Air Controll insisted on the attacks even though the pilots reported it was a US ship. Why? Because Israeli 'bosses' wanted to create an incident, blame it on Arabs, and have the US join the war to grow the state of Israel (zionism - imperialism). Those are facts.

So, given the facts of the USS Liberty, the Hamas/Mossad fabrication (it would not be that much of a leap of faith to to understand that in some cases the suicide bomb incidents blamed (because so and so said some Palestian Group called and took credit - what a joke - like WMDs in Iraq!) on Palestinians are actually stooges under yoke to Mossad to create an incident. Why - for sympathy - to justify the incursions - for Palestinian olive groves - for money.

Do you really want to stop the suicide bombings, if they are indeed all the product of Palestinain Terrorists? Then ask that the Palestinians get f-15 Fighters, M1 Tanks and Rocket Robot Drones - I gaurantee - if that is done - the suicide bombings will stop.

The money is at .7 trillion in grants and loans to Israel. Last figures I read (not including the 10B from this year) show the per Israeli outlay as 14K dollars per Israeli at a cost (interest) of 24K dollars (per Israeli) to the American tax payer.
( )

I saw something really weird on CNN World today. Grafity on a wall in Tel Aviv. The reporter alledged that the "settlers" did it. The message said "We killed Rabin and we will kill you" (you be Ariel Sharon). Uri Avery (he lives in Israel) suggests civil war.

So lets calculate the total US tax payer bucks to the Holocaust, Bomb and Oil industries: Isreal .7 Trillion - Iraq .5 Trillion (we made a profit on Iraq I) - lets see - thats at least a trillion bucks. I watch old episodes of Perry Mason late at night. People murder others for $1500 dollars. So, for over a trillion, ruthless hive bosses - who would kill fro free anyway - would certainly kill for a trillion. (hive bosses = oligarchs and their moneychangers).

What is most surprizing is the debate in Israel regarding Palestine is healthy and lively, but it is not in the US. I've thought about this and I remember how we started talking. The debate in America (though americans are generous, very human and many feel the Palestinians are being treated unfairly) is silent. Why? Maybe they're afaid of being labeled antisemitic when there only concern is justice. In fact, most Israelis are in favor of a complete evacuation back to the 1967 lines.

What are facts? In 2003, Bush, Cheny, Bowell, Wolfowitz, Feith, The New York Times, CNN , NBC said or implied that Iraq (despite the UN inspector reports) had WMDs and was involved in 911. Truth: Iraq had no WMD's (Kay) intended no WMD (Duefler) and had no connection with 911 (911 Commission / CIA).

The facts may not always be the truth. Facts are words that sometimes imply the truth, or in some cases, fabricate a reality that enables us to accept the loss and letting of blood and treasury. Still with me?

You said here “Dmitry, your brought up .. Perle in your email to me …”
That was wrong - and I appologize. You did say Wolfowitz!

But you wanted to inject another Jewish name into this discussion <g>.
I thought it was a Russian name *g*. It's okay to speak a Catholic name, a Baptist name, are you saying is it forbidden to speak a Jewish name? *g*

(obviously places close to where I live). Should I understand this as a veiled threat?
I have received threats before. My editor reported them. As I said, you called me anti-semitic (that sure sounds a threat - and I forwarded you case studies of law suits where plantiffs prevailed for 10s of millions of dallars after being called (threatened) anti-semitic. That's just the same as a Ku Klux Klanner calling someone a "n*gger lover". That also sounds like a threat. And I was scared. I post an article about computerized bio-warfare - with absolutely no (none - nyet) anti semtic content - and out of the blue, a stranger rages in "anti-semtic". I was sh##ing bricks!

Look at a map of Rhode Island - notice the names of one of the Highways - thats my home state!!

Anti semitism is dead, except for the unjustified violence against Arabs ( )

Peace my friend
Imagination is more important than knowledge

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